b'Speakers Add Color to MRCA Convention M RCAConventionattendeeswere treated to two inspiring and motivational presentations by speakers Captain Gerald Coffee and Bruce Witwer. As areturnedprisonerof war,CaptainCaptain Gerald Coffee, Coffee\'s focused not upon the horrors ofMRCA\'s Keynote Speaker, his seven-year incarceration but upon thedelivered an inspiring positivelessonslearnedby himself andpresentation on the ability other Americans held captive.His faith - to remain positive in the inhimself, his fellow man, his country andlife\'s most extreme face of his God - was the key to his survival.Itsituations. In short, he was fabulous. was also themessage he sent out to his audience, for today and tomorrow. Using his incredible experiencesa vehicle, as Captain Coffee lead his audience through laughterandtears,ultimatelytothe affirmation thatall are so wemuch stronger and more capable than we give ourselves credit for, and we each have the potential tosurviveanyordeal,overcome any o~tacle, and achieve any goal. BruceWitwer,presidentof Witwer and Associatesof St.Louis,answeredthe question"WhenSomebodyTalks,is AnybodyListening?"in amotivational presentation.Recipientof theNational Aspartofs Convention Speakers Association CSP designation, hehiconductsover100 presentationsandpresentation,Bruce Witwer,ofer & seminars annuallya trainer and motivator.WitwasAssociates,answered the His presentation focusedonninepoints:question"When Somebody Talks,is Anybody (Coniinued on Page 3)Listening?" MRCA\'s Rising Star Litthe San Antonio Night, Up (Continuedfrom Page 1) MRCA also introduced what we hope will become conventionThis publication, which has major ramifications forthe roofing tradition withIndustry Round Table talks.This year\'s subject,industry as a whole, is free to MRCA members, who may have the labor, made for some frank discussion onofreceived it by now.Other copies can be obtained through iMRCA the benefitsproductivity through teamwork, goals, training, and the work environment.Headquarters at a cost of.00non-members and $25.00 for $50 for affiliate associations (these fees include shippingandhandling). Conventionattendeeswereprivytosomeverymeaningful information as outlined in the review of Phase II of the MRCAAttendees also had the privilege of gaining some insight into the IndustryAnalysis.Focusingontherelationshipbetweenstate of the art at several general sessions.Such subjects as th manufacturer and contractor, Jim Wagner of Deloitte & Touchenewregulations regarding transporting products and hazardous DOT revealed,indepth, the extent of this segment of the analysis.materials;the roof shattering experiencebehind PVC; effective marketing fortheprofessionalroofing contractor;andissues Page 2(Coniinued on Page 3)'