b'AftMIDWESTROOFER 8725Road, SuiteKansas 66215-4611 Rosehill210, Lenexa, Phone:(913) 599~600Fax:(913) 599-6500 \' Deloitte & Tonche to Conduct Follow-upMRCA Industry Analysis Survey_ Results to be RevealedConvention at Toe second phase of the roofing industrywill provide information on manufacturer analysisMRCA commissionedin1989perceptionsof theirrelationshipwith will begin soon.The accounting firm ofcontractors. Deloitte & Touche of Milwaukee will carry out the follow-up program through a three These surveys are only part of this year\'s tiered study ofapproach.Deloitte & Touche will conduct the industry: extensivepersonalinterviewswithDoug Kirberg,MRCA President IIndustryStrategyandPerformancecontractors and manufacturersat alater Update-Thisbedate. Allmembers will beMRCAisNot Out survey willadministeredMRCAreceiving to all MRCA members and is an update ofcopies of thesurvey,along withreply \\___,.,the1989 survey.Itismuch shorter informswhich go directlyto Deloitte&to Hang Anyone length-than the 1989 survey, and containsTouche, within the next two weeks. information whichpertinent to continuing isby Douglas0.Kirberg the data base built last year.Theresultsof this undertaking willbeMRCA President reported,in detail,atthe1990MRCAHopefully the rains have left and brought IThis survey will beConvention in San Antonio.all of you some nice profitable work. Contractor Survey -sentall MRmembers and will provide toCA information on contractor perceptions ofNOTE:MRCA industry analyses are 100Letters have gone out to all manufacturers their relationship with manufacturers.percent confidential. Your completed surveyinforming them ofadditional study of our is seen only by accountants at Deloitte &MRCA\'sRoofingIndustrySurvey IManufacturer Survey - This surveyTouche, and are destroyed following theirAssessmentregardingtherelationship wilf be sent to select manufacturers andtabulation.betweenthe roofingcontractors and the continued on page 4 . "Calling All McCawleys!!" ! 1990 Award Nominations SoughtYou will find Included inofenclooedform,andnominating himforConvention this issuethe Midwest Roofer willbenominationformsforthe1990this award,tobepresentedduringthe JamesQ.McCawley Award, thehighestawards luncheonatthe1990 MRCAmaterial awardMRCA canbestow.The awardConventioo and Trade ShowSan Antonio. recognizes outstanding service to the roofinginin your mailbox industry.Allpersonsareeligibleandmaybein the next nominated, and MRCA membership is not \'-/ Doyouknowsomeonewhohasanarequirement.1beselection committeetwo weeks! outstanding record oftowelcomesnominations.The committee servicethe roofing industry?Why not do thatperson, andcontinued on page 3 . MRCA, a special favor by completing the'