b'RIEi Plans Summer School in the Rockies The Roofing Industry Educational InstituteThe third and fourth offerings will beusedin conjunctionwithanyother will host a series ofthe Single Ply & Modified Bituminousdiscountprogram,withanapproved summer seminars in Denver, called "Summer School in theRoofingSystems seminar on Augustpurchase order. Rockies".14-15,andtheQualityAssurance seminar August 16-17.Both seminarsThose encouraged to attend RIEI courses runtwodaysinlengthat arateofinclude physical plant directors, facility TheBasicRoofingTechnology$375.00 each.As part of this specialmanagers,maintenancedirectors, seminar, set for June 5-8, 1990, will runprogram, registration for eitherthesemanagers,superintendentsand of 3 1/2 days in length at a fee ofseminars will include a coupon for $50.00maintenance personnel, building owners, $725.00. Aspartofthisspecialprogram,off any registration for the upcomingroofingcontractors,consultants, registrants for this seminar will receive1990-91 seminar year ending June 30,architects, and government personnel. acouponworth$100.00offany1991.Thesecoupons,again,are registration for the upcoming 1990-91transferrable.Coursesaretaughtforalllevelsof seminaryear ending June30,1991.involvement andcapacity - froma The coupon is transferrable.Theindustry\'sindependentvoiceofbroad technology perspective to actual roofinginformationandtechnology,hands-onrepairandmaintenance RIEIwillhosttheseseminarsat thetechniques.RIEIisanon-profit An expanded RoofmgInspection&DoubletreeHotelatHeatherRidgeeducationalinstitutededicatedto Maintenance seminar will be offeredCountry Club in Denver.providingup-to-datetechnologyto July 24-26, 1990.This seminar, threeanyone interested in expanding his or daysinlength,willincludeherknowledgeandcapabilitiesin demonstrations and roof-top activitiesRIEI has instituted a special discountroofing. at a fee ofThose registeringforanyeducationalofficialor $595.00. for this seminar will receive a couponrepresentative wishing to take part inFor more information on these or other worth$50.00 off anyregistration forany seminars, including the ones listedseminars, you can contact RIEI at 14 theupcoming1990-91seminar yearabove. The $50.00 discount, applicableInverness Drive East, Building H, Suite ending June 30, 1991.This coupon istoallRIEIcoursesatallseminar110, Englewood, Colorado 80112-5608; also transferrable.locations,includingDenver,can be303/790-7200 or FAX: 303-790-9006. New Minimum-Wage Increase in Effectdoubled over the past decade.Rate increases in excess of The increase took effect April 1, raising the base level of20%wereproposedfor14 stateslastyear;16states payapprovedhikesof morethan10%.Businessisnow for 3.9 million workers in various industries.It\'s the firstswinging behind legislative efforts to reform the system. boost since 1981, lifting minimum wage from$3.35to $3.80 an hour.Drug Abuse in the Workplace On April 1next year a second-stage raise to $4.25 an hour of .willtakeeffect.Thoughyoumayhave few,if any,A recent survey of drug users who were seeking help in employees directly affected by the higher minimums, theregard to their drug habits revealed that 75% said they had hike could have an impact on your operations:ifused drugs on the job; 64% admitted drugs had adversely you take on any low-skill or part-time people, and supply is tight,affected job performance; 44% said they had sold drugs to you might have to sweeten your starting offers.Or, ifother employees;and18%saidtheyhadstolenfrom you have regular employees whose present hourly wage is notcoworkers to support their habits (From the 1800 Cocaine much more than the new minimum, there\'s a chance theyHotline as reported in Drug Abuse in the Workplace, An will push for raises protecting the spread.Employer\'s Guide For Prevention, 2nd Edition/U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Publication #6972.) Some say the higher minimum could actually be a blessing in disguise: InMorestatistics . Adrug-abusingemployeeis2.2times competitive worker-short lines, firms paying well over minimum might win an edge bymore likely to request early dismissal or stressing pay andtime off; 2.5 times benefits in help-wanted ads.eight daysmore; 3 times more likely to have abesnces ofor more likely to be late for work; 3.6 times more likely to Runaway Workers Comp Crisisinjure himself or5 another person in a workplace accident; times more likely to be involved in an accident off the job;~ Runaway costs of workers\' compensation insurance haveand 5 times more likely to file a workers\' comp claim(From emerged as a mounting crisis, particular! y for small businessWorkplace Consultants, Inc., reported by National Institute owners.Nationwide, workers\' comp premiums have nearlyon Drug Abuse). age'