b'Business ManagementKeeping Your Roofing Materials Out of the LandfillA Message from repurposedMATERIALSO ne only has to check out the size of the trash dumpster utilized for a roof removal to get a picture of the amount of waste produced.But if you re into calculations, you have to factor in the type of shingles used, which vary greatly in weight. Asphalt, architectural, clay, slate concrete they can weigh anywhere from 2 to 25 pounds per square foot. And then there s the underlayment and nails. Using the most conservative numbers, you come up with about three tons of waste from a 2,000 square-foot roof. That s a pretty big deposit in the local landfill.You don t have to be a tree hugger to be concerned about how much trash is being produced in the United States todayabout 292 million tons according to the EPA. Picture a train, 2,920,000 cars long, stretching nearly one and a quarter times around the world, hauling off the nation s waste. As it relates to roofing waste, theres some encouraging progress in shingle recycling. But can more be done to cut down the amount of waste produced in the roofing industry?One innovative company believes the answer isyes, and the solution is not just recycling. It s repurposing. R ather than melting, shredding, chipping or grindingthe recycling process every other industry, to consider if there are repurpose-repurposedMATERIALS finds new uses for materialsable options for their obsolete materials before simply in their current form. An old fire hose becomes a boatbanishing them to the landfill. dock guard. A worn out conveyor belt becomes a gunIt makes sense environmentally and economically, range ballistics curtain. A retired street sweeper brushCarson said. Giving materials a second life keeps them becomes a scratching post for cattle. out of the landfill and keeping materials out of the landfill repurposedMATERIALS is helping Corporate Americasaves money on dumpster fees. reduce its environmental impact by finding a second lifeIf interested in keeping your roofing materials out of the for a surprising number of items.landfill, please call Damon Carson at \x1a\x15\x13.\x19\x14\x18.\x13\x15\x1b\x14 for If something is obsolete to the primary industry, thatdetails or email him at damon@ repurposedmaterialsinc.doesn t mean it doesn t have value somewhere,com.With warehouses spread out across the country, repurposedMATERIALS owner Damon Carson said.repurposedMATERIALS can help with most any project If you find yourself saying I cant use this. What am Ithroughout the U.S.going to do with it? that s where we come in.https://www.repurposedmaterialsinc.com/ Carson challenges those in the roofing industry, as in 18 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'