b'STEEP SLOPEContinued from page 39the homeowner might be. Additionally, it s a wise practice for homeowners and roofing professionals aliketofamiliarize themselveswiththe particularsofshingle warranties offered by the manufacturer.Heat buildup should not be the only concern here. In a paper titled Internal MicroclimateR esulting fromV entilatedAtticsAir 9ents Attic 9entilation Inspection Checklist help identify potential trouble spots inside the attic and along the ex terior of the house/ roof.in Hot Humid R egions, UniversityofFloridatransported through porous roofing materials researchersDr.WendellPorterandBarrettor past the ceiling plane. Porter and Mooney Mooneydiscusspotentialmoisturebuildupgo on to explain that vented attics allow for the issues. They state, It is possible that sealing thesafe removal of the moisture.attic spaces entirely and insulating the structure would reduce the thermal transfer from an attic,Takingintoaccountthepotentialheatand but this would provide no outlet for moisturemoisturebuildupproblemsassociatedwith 40 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'