b'ON DECKON DECKKEVIN PETERSENVice President, Carlson Racine Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.K evinbeganhislifeinroofing and business talk all the while having her own R acine, Wisconsin where career experiences and challenges occurring.We his parents, Fred & Chrissimply enjoy doing the things we love together like Petersen, met. Fred started histraveling, watching shows, staring at our dog, visiting journey in the roofing industrya beer garden, or two, or three etc.inR acinewherehebecameAs far as hobbies/interests go, Kevin enjoys playing anownerofCarlsonR acinepickup basketball a few times a week. Basketball is a RoofingSheet Metal, Inc. Thisgreat way for me to break up the stress of the day and gave me the opportunity to jointhen come back after with a refreshed mind to attack theindustryatayoungage,the rest of the workday. A new hobby I have picked up starting with working during theis playing in a cribbage league \x0ba Midwestern thing\x0c summer breaks of high schoolthat s hosted at a brewery with Jess. Our season hasn t and college, where I went tobeen that great, but it has been fun, and there s beer.CONTACT US UW-Milwaukee and graduatedKevin and his wife also enjoy giving back. In \x15\x13\x14\x1b CARLSON RACINE ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC. withadegreeinMarketing. 2401 EATON LN they went to Puerto R ico with All Hands and Hearts to RACINE, WI 53404 Istartedinthewarehouse PH: (262) 632-5920 sweeping floors, doing job runs,help with the clean-up from Hurricane Irma. Ironically, www.carlsonracineroofing.com warehouse duties, then movedI was placed on a roofing crew that was restoring some to a production crew. There is nothing that sticks moreold concrete roofs. Kevin also currently serves on an than pitch (pun intended) than the memories of jumpingadvisory board for their local public high school district into the shower the first afternoon after tearing it off.that oversees embedding multiple trades within the Having that experience of being on the roofs and seeingschool systems. I am representing the roofing trade. the day-to-day gave me a birds-eye-view of the roofingI am excited to continue to contribute and bring value business. here and in my local community.After a few summers, Kevin was fortunate enoughMRCA has benefited Carlson Racine RoofingSheet to move into the office for an internship in the serviceMetal, Inc. in various ways. Fred served on the MRCA division selling maintenance. What I came to learn toboard many years ago and the company has been a enjoy was the fact that every day was not full of thelongstanding member of the association. I am in my same tasks and the environment was fast paced. I gotfirst year on the MRCA board and I can already see to interact with customers, problem solve and learnthe benefits that this has begun \x0band will continue\x0c to new things every day. I started my full-time position inprovide me along the way. I believe that the research \x15\x13\x14\x1a as an Assistant Service Manager then transitionedthe organization provides its members helps us all learn into the Service Manager and am, as of recent, startingand steer towards competing on a level playing field. In a new chapter as V ice President. Kevin has a greatthe end, it also provides customers with better roofing working relationship with Fred, and he also gets tosystems. I assume for most people in our industry that work with his cousin, Tom Petersen, who is leading thegrew up in the towns that they now work in, that is what charge in expanding their service division. We have awe desire for those communities. It also is important for great future ahead of us at Carlson. all of us in the industry in the Midwest to connect so thatKevin has a beautiful wife, Jessica, and one handsomewe can share, learn, grow and contribute on common fur son named Wesley. -ess and I attended the sameissues we are experiencing and work to increase quality grade school and part of high school together. She isand develop solutions now and in the future.easily my best friend. She helps me in so many ways in life and in business as she has to deal with a lot of 20 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'