b'STEEP SLOPEVENT OR SEAL THE ATTIC?EASE OF INSTALLATION IS ONLY ONE OF SEVERAL VARIABLES THAT SUPPORT VENTINGBy: Paul Scelsi, Marketing Communications Manager at Air Vent Inc.The International R esidential Keeping Installation SimpleBuildingCode(IR C)istheFor best performance, vented attics need a predominantsingle-familybalanced amount of intake vents and exhaust residentialbuildingcodeinvents in a quantity determined by the attic s theUnitedStates.V entedsquare footage. Cut some holes. Position and attics are the default construction practicefasten the vents. Move on. Obviously it s a bit recognized by the IR C. Changes to recentmore complex than thatbut not much. Attic editions of the IR C have introduced unventedventilation is usually pretty simple. Not every (sealed) attics as an alternative. Decidingattic design lends itself to an easy ventilation whichapproachtotakeshouldincludesolution, but most knowledgeable roofing considerationofissuessuchaseaseofprofessionals can design an attic ventilation installation, ability to troubleshoot after thesolution for even the most challenging projects.fact, performance, upfront cost and return onTo properly seal an attic (make it an unvented investment. The R oof Assembly V entilation Coalitionwhich consists of most of theassembly), however, the 2012 IR C details major attic ventilation manufacturersismultiple levels of considerations, not the least committed to helping roofing professionalsof which is installing the necessary amount of better understand the benefits of proper atticinsulation to bring the attic within the building ventilation. thermal envelope (IR C R 806.5). Adding an attic to the home s overall conditioned space 38 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'