b'STEEP SLOPEunvented attic assemblies, it makes sense that plywood manufacturers are concerned. In a 2012Experienced Counsel and technical bulletin titled How to Minimize Buckling of Asphalt Shingles, the APA (Engineered WoodDetermined ProfessionalsAssociation) contained the following statement aboutsealed,unventedattics:Becauseof limited field experience, the APA is unable toAttorneys recommend these systems at this time.Managing Cost and ROIOSHA Defense You CanLaCor \x07 &mpMoZment Rely On for R oofing contractors tell us that the cost (material,Law Eective time and labor) of the exhaust and intake vents ConstruDtion Lawneeded to properly balance an attic is a small Business Law Representationpercentage of the overall expense to roof the Litigationhouse. Can the same be said for the upfront Workers Comp DefenseStephen A. Watringcost to seal an attic? Homeowners should askGary W. Aumanthemselves: How many years will it take toWilliam H. Barney, IIIreceive a return on investment to vent an atticRichard L. Carr, Jr.versus seal an attic? . Donald B. RineerAmy C. MitchellP aulS celsiismark etingcommunicationsDouglas S. Jenksmanager at Air V ent I nc. and leader of its AtticAbigail K. WhiteV entilation:Askthe E x pertin- person seminarsDavid M. Rickert( airvent.com) . H e hosts the podcast, Airing it out937-223-6003 Matthew J. Bakotawith Air V ent, and he s the chairman the Asphaltamfdayton.comRoofing Manufacturers Association V entilation T askF orce. H e is the author of the b ook ,G raband H old T heir Attention:Creating and D elivering P resentations that Move Y our Audience to Action.Is your boss bad?Are you a hardworking, intelligent, experienced, likable,Quality bad?successful Commercial Estimator/Project Manager who Service bad?wants to be part of a professional roofing organization Environment bad?that has maintained a heritage of Excellence Since 1913?Call Larry at (847) 774-1972 and email a personal application letter with your resume to lpmarshall@lmarshallroofing.com.All information will remain confidential.www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer 41'