b'TECHNICAL & RESEARCH Continued from page 9aresusceptibletowobble,becomingUse of eece backing or self-adheringDED\x11R\x04NE\x03/NSd\x04\x04d/KN\x03/SShESloose or even backing out of the deck. membranes Roo\x1fop Staging/Loading PointsFasteners and plates too close the edgesThe hail rating desired Roooploadingaccesspointsarean of insulation boards or too far into theThe intended overburden designed forimportantareatoobserveclosely.Onsome boards from the edge of the boards, asthe system, if any commercial roo\x17ng projects, there can be other comparedtotheroofmanufacturersTheroofassemblyandattachmenttrades accessing the roof and loading materials requirements. method and debris onto and o the roof. In many cases, Fasteners that are bent or driven at anBudget constraints for the project these trades use the same ground-level staging angle to the roof surface. Fasteners must Visual appearance if the roof is visibleareas used by the roo\x17ng contractor because be driven in perpendicular to the rooffromotherpartsofthebuildingorthose areas are conveniently located relative to surface.Angledorloosefastenersandadjacent buildings the location of the jobsite crane or material li fasteners that are not fully seated or over- Fire rating/UL classi\x17cation required (see Fig. 10).driven must be replaced or corrected per the manufacturers speci\x17cations.Fasteningpatternsthatdonotmeet requirementsintheSPRI,FM,or ASCE 7 standards.DED\x11R\x04NE\x03SEECd/KNThemostcommonthermoplasticsin-gle-plymembranetypesareTPOperExperienced Counsel and ASTMD6878,StandardSpeci\x1fcationfor Thermoplastic Polyole\x1fn Based Sheet Roo\x1fng 3 ; polyvinyl chloride (PVC) per ASTM D4434,Determined ProfessionalsStandard Speci\x1fcation for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Sheet Roo\x1fng 4 ; and ketone ethylene ester (KEE) PVC per ASTM D6754, Standard Speci\x1fcation for Ketone Ethylene Ester Based Sheet Roo\x1fng. 5Most thermoplastic membrane sheets are available in several thicknesses such as 45 mil,Attorneys 50 mil, 60 mil, and 80 mil; even thicker mem-branesareavailablewheneeceorother OSHA Defense You Can similar materials are laminated the underside of the membrane. LaCor \x07 &mpMoZment Rely On for Thermoplastic membrane sheets are inter- Lawnally reinforced. Formable ashing is generally ConstruDtion Law Eective not reinforced so that it can be molded to \x17t penetrations, inside and outside corners, pitch Business Law Representationpans, and complex penetrations such as angle iron or I-beams.LitigationThe sheets typically come in white, which isveryreectiveand,inmostcases,meets Workers Comp DefenseStephen A. Watringthereectivitycriteriade\x17nedbytheCoolGary W. AumanRoof Rating Council (CRRC) Product Rating Program Model 6 ; ANSI/CRRC S100, StandardWilliam H. Barney, IIITestMethodsforDeterminingRadiativeRichard L. Carr, Jr.PropertiesofMaterials 7 ;EnergyStar 8 ;andDonald B. RineerLEED. 9 Amy C. MitchellThese membranes also come in other stan-dard, regularly manufactured colors, includingDouglas S. Jenkstan and gray. Custom colors can be ordered;Abigail K. Whitecheck with the roof manufacturer for the min- David M. Rickertimumorderquantity.Reectivityratingsby color may vary by manufacturer. 937-223-6003 Matthew J. BakotaAlongwithmembranethicknessand reectivity, the following are other factors toamfdayton.comconsiderwhenselectingmembraneproducts for a project:Width of the sheets10 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer39'