b'Garys CornerContinued from page 35involved in the accident you should contact your attorney before you take any action with regards to the equipment or the machinery. Your injured employee, or an injured non-employee, may seek to hold you liable for spoilation of evidence;even with workerscompensation immunity. If you take action as to a piece of equipment or a machine thatadverselyaffectstheabilityofyour injured worker to seek redress against the manufacturer, or distributor of that equipment, 5.You should consider seeking guidance fromfor products liability or some other claim. your attorney even for accidents that do not7.Whiletheprecedingstepsaregoingon, result in an OSHA reportable injury, but in anyoushouldalsoprotectthesceneofthe injury none the less. Some of these accidentsaccident. This may be done by locking out may involve issues beyond OSHA. They mightthe equipment and roping off the area where involve the potential for third party liability,the equipment is/was located until appropriate even from your injured employee. If anothermeasurements and photographs have been contractor s employee(s) was injured, youtaken.Physicalevidencethathasbeen may be exposed to an additional claim againstcollected should also be secured. A sketch your company. of the scene is frequently helpful for use while 6.If equipment and/or machinery have beeninterviewing witnesses.Take $25 o\x10 a Classied! Promo CodeMRCA . Visit us at www.RoofersCo\x10eeShop.com/INeedHelp36 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'