b'BUSINESS MANAGEMENTT he right balance cocaine, etc.For many employers, the pivotal issue with a drug-freeAll these options boil down to the fact that the testing workplace program comes down to testing. It is theaspect of a drug-free workplace program resides on accountability factor in a good program. Fortunately,a spectrum, and your options range from not testing many aspects of testing can be customized to balanceanyone for a substance to testing everyone for every your needs (e.g., how much do you proactively testsubstance. How you combine the myriad of variables and look for issues vs. only responding reactively vs.to meet your objectives is at the heart of how you deciding not to test at all): customize your program. For example, some options When you test: Among the various categories of druginclude:tests, you have proactive tests, e.g., pre-employment,adjusting when and who is testednew hire and random testing, and reactive tests, e.g.,change the methods of testing, e.g., switch from post-accident and reasonable suspicion. Each testurine testing to oral fluids or a situationally specific has rules around when and why the tests are done.combination of the twoUnless required by an authority to conduct specific types of tests, you are free to choose the types of tests your program conducts. Additionally, there are many options within the operational rules for each testing application. With slight adjustments inhowyoudrugtest,youcould maintain an emphasis on safety while not over-testing.How you test: There are different testingmethodologiestochoose from, e.g., oral, urine and hair testing. Each method has a specific window of detection and will provide different informationaboutanindividual s substance use. And specific testing methodologies are better suited for different situations or objectives. For example, oral fluid testing has a short detection window, tending to identify recent use (e.g., within a few hoursonly test for marijuana in some instances and to a few days), while hair testing will detect use thatsome positionshappened over a few months, potentially demonstratingWhen it comes to making program changes, there are a pattern. additional tangential considerations. For example, in Who you test: Different testing applications can beconsidering the various approaches to testing, if the applied to different groups of employees, e.g., allhope is that the decision will aid in the hiring process, employees, safety-sensitive roles, only employeesyou also need to determine if and how you will convey working jobs that require testing such as those onthis information to candidates:a state job in Ohio, to meet your desired objectives. If, in an attempt to broaden the pool of prospective What you test for: While there are standard panels (thecandidates, you decide not to test for marijuana, is this selection of drugs) for testing, if you aren t answeringsomething you will announce during the recruitment to an authority, you can choose the substance(s)process, e.g., announce in the job posting, share you test for. Ultimately, you can test for a variety ofduring the interview?drugs depending upon your program objectives. YouI f you aren t comfortable announcing your policy may select to test some, all or none of the drugs ofchange to recruits,how come?abuse, e.g., heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana or Continued on page 31www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer 29'