b'Industry NewsRoofing Day in DCBy Valerie Pope, MRCA Government A\x1eairsThe Midwest Roofing Contractors Association participated in the 2022 Roofing Day in DC this past April. I was in attendance representing MRCA along with MRCA Managing Director, Megan Miller. We were joined by over 225 participants who collectively attended meetings with 173 members of Congress! This year Roofing Day in DC had participants from 34 states and Washington, D.C! The two-day conference featured an impressive lineup of Congressional representatives and agency insiders. The conference wrapped up with group and individual meetings with members of the House of Representatives and the Senate.Roofing Day in DC focused on one of the mostNRCAs Duane Musser and McKay Daniels presented a mock importantconcernsofindustry:Workforceinterview to help the delegations learn helpful strategies for their Development.The groups lobbied for increasedmeetings on Capitol Hillfunding to Perkins Grants for Career and Technical Education programs and via reauthorized funding and reform of the Workforce Investment Act through the pending Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.Workforce Retention was also highlighted in the advocacy effort to develop a pathway for legal citizenship for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) industry employees who have already been trained and are working for many NRCA members across the country. Finally, the group continued to work to promote the Workforce for an Expanding Economy Act sponsored by Representative Lloyd Smucker (R-PA). This bill would address chronic workforce shortages by establishing a two-track visa system that matches willing employersSenator James Lankford (R- 2022 Roong Day in DC was a with willing temporary workers based on economicOK) addressed the event andhuge success!conditions. To obtain a permit to hire a visa holder,discussed taris, energy policy an employer must first attest the position cannotand workforce developmentotherwise be filled. Unlike existing visa programs,You can find more detailed information on these theemployeeortheemployermayterminateinitiatives at the NRCA website: https://www.nrca.net/the relationship at any time, giving the employeeadvocacy/roofingdayportability among employers with permits to hireFirst presented in 1948, the J.A. Piper Award is named visa holders. Participating employers also must usefor former NRCA President Joseph A. Piper, whose E-Verify to enhance workplace enforcement efforts.extraordinary efforts kept the association alive during This new, innovative visa system would help addressthe Great Depression.workforce needs in a balanced manner.10 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'