b'The YCC FrontShift in How Trainings Are ConductedEllie Deans, Technical Representative Johns ManvilleA s the COV ID-19 pandemicfor many to make the transition to virtual learning, it has hit and many things shiftedbeen a good transition for the industry and has helped to a virtual world, the roofingmany companies reduce expenses related to travel. industry, along with many otherV irtual trainings have provided more opportunities for industries, experienced changes inorganizations to create new trainings that reach a wider day-to-day operations and employeerange of individuals and companies.trainings. In normal times, pre-COV ID, many wereJust as things seemed to be turning around a little involved in classroom trainings, hands on trainings, andbit, the large raw material shortage hit, which has hands on demos of installation methods. With the shiftaffected the entire roofing industry, along with many to a virtual world the industry was forced to reinvent theother industries. Pre-pandemic, installation trainings wheel for trainings and certifications.would have consisted of some classroom learning With restrictions on in-person events, the industry hadabout the installation methods, and then hands-on to steer away from the traditional in-person, multi-daytime performing the installation or working on specific trainings and get a little creative without any additionaldetails. This required manufacturers to provide materials time to prepare. As a result, companies turned tofor the trainings, which was never an issue. With the training videos, live virtual trainings, tailgate demos, andshortages, however, virtual trainings with reduced use many on-demand training courses. Building Enclosureof materials have proven helpful for many. Contractors and AEC Daily have always provided on demandcan watch videos or live demos of installations to learn and live courses on their website that count towardsmore about specific systems without the use of many continuing education hours. They have been a greatmaterials that are needed to complete jobs. It has also resource for those who needed hours but didn t have thegiven contractors the ability to have the training course time or ability to make it to in person classes. In additionor installation video right at their fingertips for reference to Building Enclosure and AEC daily, many other optionson a job site if needed. Unfortunately, many people learn became available during the pandemic for trainings andand improve their skills by practicing with the materials, certifications. For example, the NRCA launched thewhich can t always be done when using a virtual training virtual version of their NRCA ProCertification Qualifiedcourse. Hands-on trainings are still necessary and as life Assessor Program, which was previously only offeredcontinues to trend back to normal, the industry will start in person. Having virtual options has proven beneficialto see more of the hands-on, in-person trainings offered for many;it has given them the ability to experience ato those who are interested.wider variety of trainings without the expense and lostAlthough virtual trainings are not the best option for work hours of travel. During the heat of the pandemichands-on installation training, they have been a useful when many were having to quarantine due to exposure,addition to the roofing industry in general. The increased having virtual programs like the NRCA ProCertificationnumber of online and on-demand trainings and demos Qualified Assessor Program, OSHA \x14\x13- and \x16\x13-hourhave been a positive addition to the industry and are outreach trainings allowed employees to keep theirreaching more individuals and companies than ever employment while completing trainings and gainingbefore. There will always be a need for hands-on, certifications that they otherwise may not have had timein-person trainings but the roofing industry has taken a to complete.large step forward with the continued growth of virtual As restrictions have loosened, many organizations havetrainings. The combination of virtual trainings and hands-kept trainings online or at least given the option foron, in-person trainings will continue to be beneficial for live virtual trainings. MR CA just recently launched theirall involved in the industry. Hot Air and Induction Welding Safety Training which is offered in person, hybrid and virtual. This gives just about anyone the ability to take the course, which wasn tTo take part in our Young Contractors Council V isit: the case two years ago. In the past, most were onlyhttps://mrca.org/aws/MR CA/pt/sp/YCC offered in person, which often, people missed due toTo learn about MR CA Foundation visit: www.mrca.org work obligations or travel expenses. As difficult as it was 16 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'