b'TECHNICAL & RESEARCHwith a roof manufacturersuppliedD4434M-21.WestConshohocken, seam probe (Fig. 17) or a commonPA: ASTM International. doi: 10.1520/cotter pin puller tool. The tip of theD4434_D4434M-21.tool is placed along the splice edge,5.ASTMInternational.2015.Standard and light pressure is applied againstSpeci\x1fcation for Ketone Ethylene Ester the splice while the tool is pulledBasedSheetRoo\x1fng.ASTMD6754/along the length of the splice (Fig.D6754M-15. West Conshohocken, PA: 18). Any defective (cold) splices orASTMInternational.doi:10.1520/wrinkles will open up with minimalD6754_D6754M-15.pressurefromtheprobe.Allde\x17- 6.CoolRoofRatingCouncil(CRRC). ciencies should be properly cleaned2021. Product Rating Program Model. and repaired per the roof manufac- CRRC-1. Portland, OR: CCRC. https://turers speci\x17cations.coolroofs.org/documents/CRRC-1_Figure 15. Hand-welding detail at roof curb. Program_Manual.pdf.This is the rst article in a several-part series7.CCRC.2021.StandardTestMethods about thermoplastic roong systems. forDeterminingRadiativeProperties ofMaterials.ANSI/CRRCS100. REFERENCES Portland,OR:CCRC.https://cool-1.AmericanSocietyofCivilEngineersroofs.org/documents/ANSI-CRRC_(ASCE). 2016. Minimum Design LoadsS100-2021_Final.pdf.andAssociatedCriteriaforBuildings8.Energy Star. n.d. Energy Star Product andOtherStructures.ASCE7-16.Finder. Accessed September 16, 2021. Reston, VA: ASCE. https://www.energystar.gov/product-2.FMGlobal.2021.WindDesign.\x17nder/product.Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets9.LEED. https://www.usgbc.org/leed. 1-28.Reston,VA:FactoryMutual Figure16. Typical hand-welding tools. Insurance Company. 3.ASTMInternational.2019.Standard The detail technicians should also performSpeci\x1fcation for Thermoplastic Polyole\x1fn test welds to determine optimum welder tem- BasedSheetRoo\x1fng.ASTMD6878/perature, the proper speed at which to moveD6878M-19. West Conshohocken, PA: along while welding, as well as the appropriateASTMInternational.doi:10.1520/pressure to exert with the 2-in. (50-mm) hand- D6878_D6878M-19.held seam roller. Figure 15 shows a hand-weld- 4.ASTMInternational.2021.StandardGaryGilmore,RRO, ing example. Typical hand-welding equipmentSpeci\x1fcationforPoly(VinylChloride)REWO,CITLevelI, can be seen in Fig. 16. SheetRoofing.ASTMD4434/ is director of the Roof AllweldedseamswhethercompletedConsultantGroup, with an automatic welder or hand welding LB Pie Consulting & must be probed by the end of the day, everyEngineering, in Texas, day.Theweldedseammustbeallowedtowhereheisresponsi-cool before probing. Probing is accomplishedble for overseeing and executing roo\x1fng and buildingenclosure assessments,infra-Gary Gilmore, RRO,redscanning,design, REWO, CIT Level I contractdocument review, quality assur-ance observations, and \x1feld performance testing services. Gilmore has extensive experience work-ingwithowners,architects,generalcontractors Figure 17. Typicaland trade contractors, assisting them in selecting seam probe tool. and installing roo\x1fng and facade systems that are appropriatefortheirspeci\x1fcprojectneedswith regard to building code and energy code require-ments,buildingtypeandoccupancy,andcost constraints. He has direct experience in \x1feld instal-lation of roo\x1fng and cladding systems obtained throughhisearlycareeronthecontractorand Figure 18. Seam probing example. manufacturer representative side of the industry.www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer 13'