b'Presidents MessageAS WE GO THROUGH ALL THESE CHALLENGESKelly Lea, MRCA PresidentT he Roofing Industry is feeling the economic strain as are other industries worldwide due to the many challenges faced during these unprecedented times.Just as we push past one problem, we have additional restraints and burdens placed on our companies. I speak with many contractors on a weekly basis, and we all agree we must prepare for the worst but continue to work on making it better. Material shortages, fuel costs, and inflation are Must a small portion of our biggest concerns.From the manufacturing side, everyone seems to agree that we will continue to have shortages throughout 2022 and into 2023. As a contractor, we find some items are more available, but this continues to be a hit and miss situation. Consistent ordering has at least given us a chance to have material continually being delivered, even though the materials were ordered months ago. As we go through all these challenges, I find roofing contractors to be resilient and innovative as we push through this difficult time. Roofs will always be out there, and it is our responsibility to find ways to help our customers and provide quality short and long- term solutions. Our industry is one of the greatest, and through my years of being involved with MRCA, I have made lifelong friendships and have met some of the hardest working people in the industry. Together, I know we will come out of this stronger and better.I sit back and watch the next generation of our industry and know they will survive these trying times and think how great they will be for our future. As they say, What doesnt kill you will make you stronger.We are getting ready for our Spring Board Meeting in Fort Worth, T;, and I am amazed how the MRCA Staff keeps this association moving forward. I could not do this Mob without the help of Staff, the Board Members, Committees, Council, and the Associate Members that support us throughout the year. As a reminder, the \x1a2nd Annual Conference and Expo will be September 2\x1ath thru 2\x1cth in Fort Worth, T;. I am excited to have Roofing Contractors Association of Texas partner with us as we have a Moint conference. This partnership will be a great success.As difficult as it is, we need to remind ourselves of the war in Ukraine, and our thoughts and prayers go out to the Ukrainian people.Kelly LeaMRCA PresidentTexas Roof Management Inc.kellylea@texasroof.com 4 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'