b"TECHNICAL & RESEARCHI n the roo\x17ng industry, several everydayfollowingareimportantquestionstoanswerArethereanylargeopeningsinthe design practices and jobsite tasks can,in the process of determining the appropriatewalls of the building?and typically do, have a major impactinsulation assembly and attachment criteria: What is the elevation of the buildings on the proper completion of a roof sys- What are the wind conditions for thelocation?tem. These items include the followingarea? It is important to refer to the windWhat are the roof system manufactur-critical elements: speedmapintherelevantstandarders minimum requirements and war-Roofinsulationassemblyselection,from the Single-Ply Roo\x17ng Industryranty prerequisites?storage, and installation (SPRI) or Factory Mutual (FM) Global, Rooop staging and loading points orintheAmericanSocietyofCivilI will leave the details of this selection pro-Insulation installation Engineers Minimum Design Loads forcess for another article. Suce it to say, there Heat-welded thermoplastic \x17eld seams Buildings and Other Structures (ASCEare numerous considerations and decisions that Roof detailing 7) 1because wind speed conditions canaect the insulation selection and attachment aectthewindupliratingandfas- for any given roof assembly.From the perspectives of a roof consultanttening patterns. For any project that is specifying the roof assembly and an observerto be insured or approved by FM, theRKKF\x03/NSh\x04d/KN\x03 conductingaroofobservationsitevisit,letsdesign must conform to FM standards. SdKR\x04'E\x03\x04N\x18\x03/NSd\x04\x04d/KNtake a closer look at each of these items to betterWhat other local or regional factors areRoo\x17ngconsultantsandobserversfre-understand their impact on a properly installedrelevant? These might include:quently\x17ndthatroofinsulationisstored roof system and identify best practices for the Proximitytocoastalareasorhurri- directlyonthegroundorleunsecured,or design and installation of thermoplastic roo\x17ngcane-prone coastlines theyobservethattheweatherproofcovering systems. But \x17rst, we need some backgroundBuilding exposure is not secured and is only partially protected information on roof insulation assembly selec- Location in the central United States from sun, wind, and rain. The following are tion. Location in a mountainous region among the many reasons to make note of these Location in a large city or rural area scenarios and document them in the jobsites RKKF\x03/NSh\x04d/KN\x03The local building code third-party roof observation reports:\x04SSED\x11z\x03SEECd/KN What type of structural roof deck willInsulation can be damaged or become Specifyingthecorrectinsulationtype,the roof be installed over? wet from rain, which would render it R-value, assembly, and attachment method forWhat is the intended use for the build- unusable.the project is an important step in the processing? Insulation can be blown around and be ofselectingaroofinsulationassembly.TheHow tall is the building? damaged or lost.6 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer 35"