b'GARYS CORNERREMOTE WORK CONSIDERATIONS FOR EMPLOYERSOSHA, WORKERS COMPENSATION & GENERAL LIABILITY CONSIDERATIONSGary Auman, MRCA Legal CounselI t looks like the option of workingthe employers responsibility. from home is something that isEstablish standards for a home office, such here to stay.Gary Auman of theas requiring a designated and dedicated work Legal Firm of Auman Mahan andarea to better define the zone of employment.Furry has provided below, some insights as to items that EmployersProvidetrainingonworkstationsetupand need to consider. safety measures, including ergonomic best Create a remote work policy: practices.Create a remote working policy that detailsKeep a written list of the specific equipment your expectations for telecommuters. Reviewused by each employee.it with employees and ask them to sign anEnactguidelinesforcheck-ins(suchas acknowledgmentthattheyreceivedandgeo-tracking or equipment tracking) or other reviewed the policy. reporting milestones.Set fixed work hours and meal and rest timesProvideworkerswithinformationand for remote workers to better define in theinstruction on setting up their home office. This course of employment. may include but not be limited to the following: Clearly define each employees scope of work.Avoidworkingfromcouchesorothersoft The policy should state that activities fallingsurfaces that do not have a stable work surface outside the employees job description are notand lack support for your back.22 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'