b'Garys CornerACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS PART TWOGary Auman, MRCA Legal CounselT his article follows up the moreare treated with first aid and do not even rise to generalcommentsregardingthe level of an OSHA recordable. Of course, if a accidentinvestigationsthatweresite supervisor is not aware of the incident, he/she sharedinPartOne:Howshouldcannot investigate it. But, if the incident is of sufficient you proceed with the investigationmagnitude to come to the site supervisor s attention, itself" As I stated in the first articlehe/she should determine the cause so that steps can on this topic, all accidents should be investigated. Itbe taken to prevent a reoccurrence. is important to determine the cause of any accident/ AsIreviewtheapplicationsfiledinSafety incident from the perspective of preventing a futureR ecognition Award programs for my different trade occurrence. It is also important, in the case of aassociation clients, I am frequently surprised to see personal injury accident, to develop a clear picture ofhow cavalierly many employers treat the accident what occurred in a way that can be used in the eventinvestigation process. It is viewed as a necessary that litigation arises out of the incident/accident. Tocost of doing business and something that they this end, I feel that all supervisors should have basicneed to get past, so that they can move on to getting training in accident investigation, sufficient to permitthe real job done. Many are also unwilling to put them to perform a basic investigation and to identifyany resources into the accident investigation. Some when they will need to call in additional assistance.state that their accident investigation is not intended The investigation of serious incidents, such as thoseto find fault. If an incident has occurred that resulted resulting in hospitalizations or fatalities, will likelyin an injury, someone or something was at fault, it require the involvement of upper management.Wemay have been caused by a mistake or misconduct should recognize that some very minor incidentson the part of the injured worker.It may have been may result in no injury or a very minor injury, whicha lack of effective training, a faulty guard or an 34 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'