b"MIDWESTROOFINGCONTRACTORSASSOCIATIONLEGAL SERVICES PLANWHAT IS IT? HOW DO I USE THE PLAN? WHAT IF I NEED The Midwet RoofingAuman, Mahan, and Furry specializes inADDITIONAL HELP?Contractors Associationlabor and employment law, discrimination,Additional legal services has entered into anwage-hour, prevailing wage, workerswill be offered to members agreement with the lawAD HERE at a preferred hourly compensation, unemployment compensation, construction law, construction claims firm of Auman, Mahan, anddisputes, government contract disputes,basis. Court costs, filing Furry to provide the MRCAoccupational safety and health, pensions,fees, and miscellaneous membership with thisfringe benefits, collective bargaining,disbursements would be unique service. litigation, and business law; including taxespaid for by the member, and securities. The firm represents numerousand itemized by the firm.business clients and various associations throughout the Midwest, including MRCA.WHAT DOES IT COVER?TheprimarypurposeofthisserviceistoprovideHOW DO I CONTACT MRCAmemberstheopportunitytodiscussandAUMAN, MAHAN, & identifylegalproblems,andtoresolvegeneral questions and concerns quickly through convenientFURRY?access to specialized and qualified legal counsel.EachMRCAmemberisentitledtoone30minute consultation per month either by telephone, email, or office conference, at no charge. It is understood thattheseconsultationsandconferenceswillbe based on existing knowledge of the attorney without further research and analysis. When calling Auman,Gary AumanMahan, and Furry, please ask for Gary Auman and\x14\x14\x13\x031RUWK\x030DLQ\x03SWUeeW\x03SXLWe\x03\x14\x13\x13\x13\x03identify yourself as a MRCA Member calling under'D\\WRQ\x0f\x032+\x03\x17\x18\x17\x13\x15\x10\x14\x1a\x16\x1bthe Legal Services Plan. \x0b\x1c\x16\x1a\x0c \x15\x15\x16\x10\x19\x13\x13\x16\x03[\x16\x14\x14\x14JZD#DPIGD\\WRQ\x11FRPMidwest Roofing Contractors Association 800-497-6722\x1a\x15\x18\x13\x033Re\x03$Ye\x11\x0f\x03SXLWe\x03\x17\x14\x13\x03 937-278-0317'D\\WRQ\x0f\x032+\x03\x17\x18\x17\x14\x17\x03\x03 info@mrca.orgZZZ\x11PUFD\x11RUJ facebook.com/mymrca"