b'BUSINESS MANAGEMENTDRUG TESTING IN THE AGE OF MARIJUANA NORMALIZATION: YOU HAVE MORE OPTIONS THAN YOU THINKA s organizations struggle to find ways to hireR eex amining your program it s a risk analysisand keep qualified employees and statisticsOrganizations don t just wake up one day saying, about marijuana use soar, some employersLet sstartadrug-freeworkplaceprogram. have started asking: There are reasons for the decision. From meeting Should we stop drug testing? contractor requirements to addressing safety Can we just test for marijuana? concerns, reducing liability issues, federal and/or Could we stop doing random testing? state compliance issues, an organization s drug-free workplace program is implemented to meet What would happen if we accommodated marijuanaa variety of objectives.use? So, when it comes to changing or eliminating Despite homing in on the drug testing element ofyour program, you need to think through all your their drug-free workplace programs, employersobjectivesnot just what you hope to accomplish are wondering if their whole program is acting asby making changes, but why you initially started a barrier to employment. However, it s important toyour program. After you ve thought through all your pause and explore the role a drug-free workplaceobjectives \x0be.g., finding employees, keeping your program plays in the workplace and remember thatcurrent employees, maintaining safety, keeping it has several moving parts. It is not a one-size- contracts, staying competitive), you need to identify fits-all endeavor. Each of the five components of ayour priorities. R ank ordering them allows you programpolicy, employee education, supervisorto work toward a solution that balances all your training, drug testing and employee assistanceobjectives. can be customized to meet an organization s needs.28 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'