b'BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Continued from page 29 CYBER SECURITYLINKEDIN PHISHINGJack Gerbs, QuanexusHackers are using LinkedIn business toolstocreateconvincingand legitimate phishing links. LinkedIn has a legitimate tool that allows businesses to create LinkedIn UR L links that link to an outside site. These links have been deemed Slinks because the UR L code used includes the word. The generic format is https://www.linkedin.com/slink?code= followed by numbers and letters.Even if you decide not to share your drug testingCriminalsaresettingupnewLinkedIn approach with candidates during the recruitmentbusiness accounts or using hacked accounts process, you still need to consider the objectivestosendSlinklinksinavarietyofscams. you are targeting. Are you desiring a larger pool ofThere are examples of Slinks that pointt o candidates?Are you avoiding the fall-off of candidatesfakeIR Spages,Amazonlogins,and who go through the interview process but ghost youPayPal phishing pages. Generally, when it is time for the pre-employment test?There arethese attacks are phishing for login pros and cons to either of these objectives i.e., highercredentials or personal information expenditure of resources for the recruitment process,and are dispersed through SMS the higher possibility of absorbing an employee at risk.text message, email, and instant Every decision is a balancing exercise. messenger.I t s more than just testing Slinks are an effective phishing tool As you examine how your drug-free workplace programbecause LinkedIn is widely viewed as a trustworthy helps you accomplish your objectives, remember thatsite, so spam filters are unlikely to block the links. drug testing is just one element of your program. OtherAdditionally, with many people working from home, program components can also support your objectives,and looking for remote work, the tactic could be used e.g., education and training and employee assistance.in a variety of attack vectors. Early in the pandemic, For example, if you decide to limit proactive marijuanawe reported on ways LinkedIn was being used to testing, ensuring your supervisors are well-trained toattack employees who were new to a remote job. The recognize signs of impairment and are comfortableattackers posed as the new hire s IT support and were acting if they suspect use is one way to focus onable to steal business login credentials in the attack.safety. Similarly, if identifying risks is important and youLinkedIn is also used to scrape personal information remove random testing (a proactive testing method),from users. The site faces a difficult balance of public emphasizing your assistance program benefits couldinformation for the benefit of the jobseeker, and that help an employee who realizes they are having issues. same information being used to target an individual And don t forget to look outside of your drug-freefor an attack. workplace program. Your program is only one part ofLike most phishing attacks, criminals use a sense of your company s culture and policies. While adjustingurgency to try to get users to click the link. Be on the your drug-free workplace program may be low-hanginglookout for emails that look legitimate and could make fruit in addressing any employment concerns you reit through your spam filter using Linkedin.com as the experiencing, it is equally important to explore whatroot UR L. If the email or text message is threatening else your organization is doing to recruit and retaina grave consequence if you don t click the link right employeesandbeacompetitiveandattractiveaway, this should be a red flag to stop, consider the employer. source, and check the legitimacy in another way.Copyright 2022, Working Partners Systems, Inc. 7895 Dove Parkway, Canal Winchester, OH 43110www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'