b'RCATMRCA CONEXPO HighlightsCongratulations to our 2022 Award WinnersJames Q. McCawley Award Winners, Jim Ramser and Mark LangerIn recognition of the devotion given in his life to the industry, MRCA established the James Q. McCawley Award, which was first presented in 1969. This award has been presented each year to an individual in recognition for outstanding servicetotheroofing industry.Thisyearshonorwascareer in his early awarded to Jim Ramserteens,washing ofHighlandRoofingLangerRoofing Company. trucks and working Jimhasover42yearsin the yard. After experience in the roofinghighschool industry, and he is a 4thgraduationhe generation owner of whatbegan his journey as a roofer for several years. Jim Ramser is now a 5th generationMark was promoted to foreman and eventually legacycompany.Hissuperintendent. One day his father (A McCawley service to MRCA beganAward winner himself) called him into the office over 25 years ago in 1998and told him to change his clothes and take the and he served as MRCAhelm. Mark began volunteering his time to the MRCA President in 2011. Jim isOfficially in 2011, but really never knew a life without currently the MRCA CERTAMRCA due to his familys involvement. He served Chair. as MRCA President in 2017 and remains active with MRCA in the Technical and Research Committee.AsecondawardwinnerEach year the President of MRCA is given a gift of in 2022 was Mark Langer,appreciation, Kelly has decided to donate his gift of LangerRoofing&Sheet$500 to the Eddie Laws Construction Education Fund, Metal Co. a charity that was set up after Kellys dear friend and Mark Langer Markbeganhisroofingcoworker passed away too soon from cancer.Naphis Mitchell-Reyes Excellent Safety Professional Award Winner Gary AumanNaphis Mitchell-Reyes was MRCAs Safety Committee Chairman for 2020 and 2021.Last October, Naphis passed away suddenly and earlier this year MRCA decided to honor Naphis memory by creating the Naphis Mitchell-Reyes Excellent Safety Professional Award. This new award may not be bestowed every year, but only when a nominee truly embodies the passion and knowledge of safety that Naphis exemplified. This years Award was presented to Gary Auman MRCAs Legal Counsel. Gary Auman, Kelly Lea, Naphis Mitchel Jr., Joseph Cabaneswww.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer 11'