b'Young Contractorsstellar. A leader must have their individual focus whilethe onboarding and training of a young salesmen motivating others.There are many qualities sharedin the construction materials industry.There is a chapter where the young salesmen was empowered to make a daring shift to a new company based off Understandingthe methods of his new manager and mentor.This whatneedstorule had its genesis during one of their initial sales bedonetohelpvisits and I have always had reverence for it because of the impact it can have.The implementation of this yourteamcontinuouslyrule has now become very prevalent in my career create new ideas and driveand in interactions with my friends and family. In 2021, during the Covid pandemic, I found myself improvements will alwayslistening to more audiobooks, and I was referred to be rule #1Dale Carnegies How to Win FriendsInfluence People. This \x14\x1c\x16\x19 classic was the third significant by leaders that are often passed on from their learnedreference that reinforced the importance R ule # 3. experiences. Nurturing, selfless, and being supportiveDespite being eighty-five years ago, what Carnegie and generous to others are a few learned traits thatdescribed then still rings true today.Several case stand out. Understanding what needs to be done tostudies have confirmed one of the top reasons for an help your team continuously create new ideas andemployee to voluntarily quit is due to the management drive improvements will always be rule # 1. or boss.Showing people how much you care is Rule \x06\x15\x1d Never ask someone to do anything thatnecessary for today s leadership and will help anchor you would not do yourself. you in any leadership role.The most practical implementation of this rule inLeadersshouldunderstandhowthepeople the roofing industry is safety first.If you and youraround them are feeling about projects, decisions, companybelieveitsmostimportantassetistheand goals. Beyond the workplace, a strong leader can employee s health and safety, then as a leader it isshow empathy by recognizing and considering their your responsibility to be a vigilant example.By askingemployeesfeelings. This will have immense impact yourself a few simple questions you can quickly gaugeon overall employee morale. A leader should exhibit if the value you place on your associates is equivalentactive listening while lending advice, and they should to the value you place on yourself.Some safety- give guidance while also being assertive.Effective specific questions might be\x1d leaders know the right way to praise those who are When accessing a roof by a ladder, are yousucceeding and encourage those who are struggling, always using 3 points of contact? both in and out of the workplace. I saved R ule # 3 for last as I believe it is the true foundation for the While on job sites, is your staff provided theultimate success of greatly led teams. Live by this necessary fall protection and installation toolsrule and it will serve you well not only in your career, to perform roofing" but in your life.Am I personally in compliance with job site and/ As a leader, it is in your discretion to always do what or OSHA regulations? is in the best interest of your team, even while knowing Rule \x06\x16\x1d People do not care how much you knowthat some of your decisions may be disliked.Knowing until they know how much you care the steps that must be taken to keep things moving The first time I heard this quoted to me in the mid- in the right direction will ultimately benefit everyone 2000 s I was with my mentor in the industry who hasinvolved, and in turn, the company in its entirety. The since become a close friend.We were not talking aboutimplementation of these three leadership rules have employee management, engagement, or business atproven to be the most fundamental in success with employee engagement and management.allwe were talking about coaching wrestling.In 2013, at the start of my professional management career in roofing, I read a book titled The Sales Secret by R ick Davis in which the author detailed www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer 33'