b'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n,, s s o c i a t i o nNws e ~ .0\\ Commerceplans (AHPs). The proposal wouldsioncould be helpful to organthat Subcommittee Approvesa associationstooffertheseizationsthatareseekingexempt llow :Junk"lines \' E-mail Billplans across statethrough astatus.Currentlawallowsfor TheHouseSubcommitteeonfederal ERISA preemption.organizations th are applying for at Telecommunications,TradeandBush\'scomes at501exempt status toseek a announcementa(c)(3) Consumer Protectionapprovedbykey moment, as House and Senatedeclaratory judgmentthe U . from.Svoice votea bill (H.R.3113)thatconfereesarehammeringdiffer TaxCou if theInternalRevenue rt would restrict the sending of unso ences in comprehensive healthcareService(IRS)hasnotissueda licited"junk"e-mails.Theactionlegislation. The House-passed billdetermination after 270 days or has movesthebilltothefullHouseincludes AHP provisions similar toissued an adverse determination to Commerce Committee for consid those recommended by Bush.theplicant. Organ applyap izations eration.proposal,bying for other types ofus Thesponsoredexempt statRep.HeatherWilson(R-N.M.)Privacy Legislation(not 501 donotcurrently (c)(3)s) would require marketers to complyPraised in Hearingshave this option. H.R. 4163 would withrequests received fromT witnesses atAprisub extendthisdeclaratoryjudgmopt-outhean112ent individuals, and would allow indi committee hearing generally spokeproceduretoallothertypesof vidualstosuesendersofunso in favor of proposed legislation toexempt organizations. licited e-mailwho donot complyset up a(H.R. "privacy commission" with the opt-out requests.4049). Speakingat theh ofBudget Resolution earing Thebill\'sdefin n of"unso the Subcommittee on Governm Passes itio ent licited commercialelectronicmailManagement, Information & Tech J t priorto leavingtownfor usmessage"is:"any electronicmailnologyof theHouseGovernme Easterrecess, Congress votedin nt producmessage that advertises atReformCommittee,panelistsfavor of the $1.82 trillion FY 2001 or service for profit or for aexpressed c exam budget resolution that calfordedbusinessoncern over newIs purpose that is sent to aples where individual privacy rightsicatingbillion over five years recipient$150 withwhomtheinitiator doesnothave been comprom ,well aseither tocuts ordebt reducised astaxto have an existing business relation thelackof a cohes policytotion. ive ship." This definition is very similaraddress this phenomenon. to one used in al prohibitionThisisof many leg House Votes to Sunset federa proposalone against unsolicited fax promotions.islative plans to address the g Ta\\: Code rowing concerns over privacyissues.Justbeforeleavingforspring Bush IncludesContractors have an interest in th recess, the U.SHouse of Repreis Association Health Plansarea, because it is not only impor sentatives voted 229-187 in fa r voin Healthcare Proposaltant to protect your own companyof all (H.R. 41 that would set bi 99) PresumptiveRepublicanpresi from unwanted invasions, but it isa31, 2004, deadline for December dentialnomineeandTexasGov.also im to know your owneliminationorre-authorizationof perative George W.Bush released his pro customers and to use technology tothetaxcode.Theproposal also posalforincreasingaccesstogather useful information.includes a clau that would estabse health insurance, and alish aion torecommend prominentcommissfeature of that plan is to expand theTaxpayer Bill ofanalternativetaxsystem.While Rigbts abilityforassociationstoofferSails Throughenactment of such ais still billseen health plans to their members andCommitteeas a lon its support in the gshot, theirmembers\'employees. BushThe Taxpayerof Rights 2000House shows thating forBillback subsupports allowing small businesses(H.R. 4163) legislation passed thestantive tax reform has not diminandtheself-employedtobandHouse Ways and Means Committeeished indays of budget surthese togethertopurchaseinsurancewith unanimous approval April5.pluses. through bona fide trade and profes Th billlargelyprovidesfor is sionalassociationsthroughwhatincreasedprivacyprotectionsfor areknownasassociationhealthtaxpayers, but also includes a provi-'