b"Do You Know What You're Signing? By Fred Naucke In this day and age of lengthyOfcourse,everymemberis andcomplexcontra agree entirely free to follow ort ctualno follow ments we are all faced at one timethe recommendations of MRCA's or another with signing docu agreementslegal counsel withrespect to the ments that we may not fullythatMRCA'sapplicator agr t of any pareemenagreewithor completelylegal counsel hasticular material man tu r. ufac re You understand.reviewedandinmust make your own decision as Gone are the days when~many c es,n to whether it isappropriatefor as egotiweonly useda coupleof~atedouttheoften your company to sign the applicamanufacturers for our- ''seenobjectionablever tor agreement formany material mate- of rial needs. Most of us, in order tobiag manufacturer. e. survive, must o aarray ofIfMRCA'slegalcounselisOur company h always taken fferwideas products and deal with n u cessfulineliminatingthefulladvantageofthis valuable umerousnsucmanufacturers.objectionable language,thenweservice,whichisitself,inmy Witheachmanufacturerweapprisemembe ofsuchlan op nion,worthmorethanour rsimust typically sign an Applicatorguageandalertthem thattheyearly dues! Agreement. As much as we wouldagreementisnotacceptable forFr Naucke is Treasurer of edthe like tobelieve the manufacturersexecutionin itspresent form.InDaleCramptonCompany F,ort have only our best interest at heart,those cases, we recommend eachSmith Ark., and aof the member this isn't always the case.N tocontractorattempttoa theMRCA Board of. otlterDirectorsfear- MRCAApplicatorAgree objectionableterminolo onan gy mentis here!indiv basis. In any Reviewidualevent, the MRCA offers the only programmember contractor knows what he in the industry whereby manuis being asked to sign. facturer-requiredapplicatoragree When presented with an appliments are analyzedby ourlegalcatoragreement,theconscienmember, counsel. As ayou havetious roofing contractor can simaccesstoover50applicatorply refer to the MRCA Applicator A entInformationSheet greemBinder, wh was formally in ichtroduced inat the MRCA Con1992 vention&T deShowinSt. raLouis.Shouldyouencountera newagreementnotpreviously reviewed, simply send it to MRCA a let usfor you. ndwork"