b'MRCA Member Companies Win Gold Circle Awards andr Ventingthedeckwasguards and ice andwater d erters akes.ivaccomplishedthroughtheuseofwereinsta edfor safety. A \' ll rchatasvent-top nai I bo ap lead architect also design a s ard,co per screenednoweavevent a a custom-designeda icep thattheHarold J. ndnd- anel ventedridge.CoppercricketsandBecker Co. fabricatedinstalled and two-piececopperflashingswereat allstraight run ius eave -and-radinstalled,andtheskylightswereareas.Coppercladdingwas r and reset without anyinstalledoverthelayeredeave eassembled disruption to thelibrary. Specialwoodwork with new guttersfinish to designcopper valleys,rakeedgesthe project. andflashingswerefabricatedtoT Harold J. Becker Co. Inc. hehas allowforsmooth transitions.Thebeen amoisture-p tecfull-serviceromost dominantu of the facilitytion contractorfor morethan40 feat re is the radius roof area. Not to detractyears. Abusiness, family-ownedthe from this feature, the roof was seg company specializes in below-grade The National Roofing ContractorsAtthemostrecentconventionmentedintoeig equalsections,waterproofing,sealants,caulking, ht Association held its 2000 convention in Atlanta.held by the Nation Roofing Con with aprofile hip. Eachvarious typessin -plyfing, allowcopperofgle rootractors Association, several MRCAshingle had tobe hand-cut and fitbu -up roofing and metal roofing. iltmem wererecognizedatthefor proper installation.snowThe company also h a ful bersCopperasI-service "2000GoldCircle Awards" cere ~ mony on February 28 in Atlanta. The HaroldJ.BeckerCo. Inc., Dayton, Ohio, won the Gold Circlein the "Workmanship" cateAward gory for itsington-Centerville WashPublicLibraryroofreplacement project. There1 nominees for wereO thisrd. awaTheWashington-Centerville PublicLibraryd \'tjusthold oesnbooks and videotapes, but has computers, a children\'slearningand readingmeeting rooms andThe Harold J Becker Co.Dayton, Ohio, won the Gold C Aw in the "Workmancenter,Inc.,ircleard staff offices.the vaulted ceilingship" category for its Washing/on-Centerville Public Library roof replacement project. From entran with a-foot ridge sky-ce30ight to the dome radius ceiling with 1 10,10-by-10-footskylights,the library offers an op the public enness enjoys. The variousr of the steep deg ees slopesthatintersectwith a large chalradius roof area offered alenge inal I aspectsofcopperroofing. With the addition of alayer multiple insulation system, new wood blocking and two pieces of redwood fasboardSchwickert\'s of Mankato Inc. ofMinn. won the Gold Circle Award for "Innovative Mankato, ciawere installed at all eaves Solutions" for its work on the Gustavus Adolphus College in the wake of a tornado.'