b'_R_C_ L_e g~a_l____________________ ~ A_ _ _U~p~d_a_t_e Sexual Harassment in the Workplace By Jim Whittier,Legal Counsel MRCA Discriminationsevere orand objectivelyinc e and m be regardedby pervasiveit d,ust Titleof the Civil Rights Act ofoffensive that itthetionsthe victimundesirable and offenVIIalterscondi as 1964prohibitsdiscriminationonof the victim emp - occa sive. \'sloyment easing, thebasisofrace,color, religion,sional t gender-related jokes national origin and. T courtsandisolatedincidentsand com What is your responsibility sex he and the Equal Employment Oppor mentsnot necessarilyient.as an employer? aresuffictunityCommission(EEOC}haveTobeunlawful sexualharass You are r siblefor m nespon aifound that sexual harassment is ament, t sexual conduct must betaining akplace frees l hewor ofexuaform of sex discrimination and anunwelcome - neither solicited nor unlawfulemploymentpracticeinontinued on C page 12 iol of Tit VIv ationleI. . Apolicyon seualharassm-e:nt snggesf~ What is sexual harassment?The followi policy with respectsexualh$r may be u asngtoassmeritsed EEOCguidelines distinguishbasis for prep apo for your co : thearation ofwrittenlicympanyYon may he heldbetweentwotypesofsexual harassment:POUCY ONS:&XUAL- - HARAS - S ,- , . _., . ., . . . . .Ml1NT . , liable for the actionsA.Harassment resultinginIt jspolicyofCompan toitour employees . thethisyprohib sexual harassment of.atangibleemployment.prohibition applies to AU;persom,1el -owne managers, field ofotherTmsCortipanyrs, youraction.A tangibleemploymentsopel\'Vi$otS;foremen and employees.Itapplies toour Cl)stomers and s . alsouppli-actionisa significantchangeinItisurp P11ficye peemployees and your ets,not the p ose of thistomttude upon th rsonal lives ofour employmentstatus.Examplesemployeesotinterfere with social rel/ltionships. However,harassmen 1 tosexual customers andin hiring and firing; promo has no placeatthis Company andwillnotbe permitted. clude: vendorsiftiand fai uto promote; demo ~sexualharassment" includes any unweJme or olfonsive sexul\\l advances, youonI re tiundesirablereassignment;reque$ for sexual$d-0tberws rondoct ofa SeXllal nature, on;favorsverbalphy ical knew or shouldcompen andbenefitsdeci such asunm\\-ited tou~ or sexually.related cmnments,indi:vidnaIwho sationhii!gAny sions; and work assignments. Sex believeshe or she isbeing subjei;ted to se hatas$ ofyby have known ofthatxualmentan kindanyual harassment of this type occursone connected with his wo.rk sh report the matter promptlya:ny one or herouldt.o occurrences ofwhen the victim incurs aibleoffollowfug: tang the employment action as the r ofA. ffis orsupervisw; or forem@ esulther sexual harassmentthe victim\'sto the unwel B. 1\'heoffice manager response and failed to takecome sexual advances, requestsC.AnyCompany officer for nomustreporting sexualfavorsorotherverbal orAttimetheindividual be reqllired to report the behavior to appropriate action.ph conduct of arethe aJiegedThe re employ must seekreport the incidentt()ysicalsexual natu offendetportingeeto fromsomeonewithsupervisoryanotherperson. designated authority over the victim. This typeAdvetsetreatillentemployeesre sexual ha~s p inforofwhoportment orrovide of sexual harassment has also beenmation relatedtoseXlharJ\\S$1ilcrtt complillllts will not be tolerated Retaliation referr to as"quidproquo"~st$Deliempfoyees w.illnot he pennittelt edany h We will protect the confidentialityof harassmentalleg;itiQn$the extent pw arassment.to B. Hostile working environ .Informationabou theallegedh sh.allheshared only with those sihle.lat1Ssm.ent ment.Harassmentof thistypewho n know about it. Records relaij)!gtohatm,sment complaints personseed to occurswhenunwelcomesexualbe tepton the same basis shallcollfrdential advances or requests of aThe personwhom the report isshall n the Company President as sexualtomadeotify possib IfPresidentallegedbrassnature unreasonably interfere withsoon aslethe Cornpanyislo bave eommitted the anindividual\'s workperformancement the report shall bemade toYoffiur of the Company. al! other or create an intimidating, hostile, orTheCompany1\\illcarefull investigate each t()!ilplamt ofharassmenlltyse:xnal. theofanync!bleprompt}y offensiveworkingenvironment.ispoli;ythe CQI.U/failYtolisten toreaso complaint,inves Hostile environment sexualtigateittake correctiv.e aGtionappr(Jpri;lte. Violation ofscy byii.nJ harass and-wherehi Polimentmustinvolveconductsoindividulllthe Company can resultdiscipline opt() 11nd intludu,ig atintenninatioii 6'