b'- - - - - = - - - - - - . _ e - - - - -~s e galUpdat eJ\\Tl1 Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws of Midwest Roofing Contractors Association, Inc. By Jim Whittier, MRCA Legal Counsel I accordance with Article XIIIand (ii) Additional Directors be per Upon completion of h term of nis oftheBylawsofMidwestmitted to serve athree(3)years,anAdditional second, three-year Roofing Contractors Associa termofoffice,byamendmentofDirector may be electedas an tion,Inc.,theMembersareArticleVil,ParagraphA oftheofficer orbe elected to commay herebygivennoticethatattheBylaws to read as follows:plete the unexpiredof o ice termff annual meetingthe Members ofA. The electiveofficers shalbe aof any directorfor whatever ofIwho, MidwestRoofingContractorsPresident,two(2)VicePresi reason,doesnotservea full Association, Inc.be held on Fri dents and athree (3) year term of office.In toSecretary-Treasurer, 2000of day, Sept. 8,at Monona Ter each of whom shallbe electedthe discretionthe Nominating raceCommunityandConventionfor aof one(1) year andCommittee, an Additional Direc-term Center,ison,,follow until the election and qualifica tor maynominated for elecMad Wis. thebe ingproposedAmendmenttothetionoftheirsuccessors.T tion to serve a(3) hesecond three Bylaws will be presented for con electedofficers andtheChair termofoffice.NoAdditional adopt Th oardtheshal~aisoshallfor sideration andion.e B man ofBoardserveDirectorbe eligiblereofDirectorsofMidwestRoofingasdirectors.T shallbeelection as an Additional Direc-here Contractors Association,Inc. rec eighteen(18)additional direc tor who has servedof two terms ommends to the Members that thetors ( eDi),office (either two complete terms th "Additionalrectors"term of proposed Amendment be adoptedeach of whom shallbe electedor a three (3) yearoffice effective Friday, Sept. 8, 2000.for arm of three (3) years andand completion of an unexpired teT proposed Amendment is asuntil the election and q ifica termof office)until therehas(" heualfollows:tion of their successors, six (6)been aof one (1)follapseyear It is proposed that: (i) the num of such directors to be elected atlowing completion of the second ber ofadditionaldirectorsof theeach annual.term. An Additional Director who conventionAssociationbereducedfromhas servedtwo terms of office leced as twenty-one(21)toeighteen(18)may be e t an officer. Free Student Admission to Convention ByF MRCA Administrative Manager Johnullerton, R professionals from across the country will attend the"51stconsultants,materialmanufacturers and other expertsin the construction oling nnual MidwestContractor\'s Association Conventionindustry. In 1999, the Kansas Vocational Association encouraged almost 50 Roofingand rade Show," September 7 -8,at the Monona Te Com students to attend the convention in Kansas City, Mo.year, the Wiscon2000rraceThis Car andcounity and Convention Center in Madison, Wis.sin Association foreerTechnical Education assisted in en uraging Contractors, architects, engineers, specifiers,lding owners and manu students tomeour convention. bui co to facturers will pay aregistration fee forevent, but students mayT MRCA Educational Foundation will also recognize this year\'s annual reasonablethehe attend the convention for free with aididentification card orsch award recipients at the convention. T MRCA Foundation conval studentproofolarshiphe of c ent secondary or post-secondary enrollment. Students need only arrivesiders applicants for scholarships if they areor intend toa urr pursuing,pursue, at the convention center with the required identification on either or both dayscurriculum at an accredited university, college, community college, vocato receive aspecial guest pass, which allows them access to educa tional or trade school that will lead to aconstruction industry one-daycareer in the tional programs, artisan demonstrations,the trade show floor.We are proud to host those who will enter the construction industry as they and Secondaryandpost-secondarystudentsofengineering,architecture,attend ourand see the best in the business on our trade educational programs industrial safety and construction-related fields willnot want to miss thisshow floor. opportunity to n and learn about the roofing industry from contractors, etwork('