b'ffiliateNews Senate FinanceBoth the House andver deduction for busin mealsd SenateessanCommittee Passessions of pension reform calltheentertainmentexpensesfrom50 for Pension Refonn Billgradualincr of annualIitspercent to 80percent. That proeaseimThe Senate Fin Committeeon contributions to Section 401 (k)posal has drawn the ire of Senate ance hasapproved a pensionreformand Section 457 plans to $15,000.Minority Leader Th D hle omasascproposalthat wouldincreasetheInothertaxnews,a plan to(0-SO) who labeled the provision maximumcontributionlevelsincreasethem m wagebyasthe"$30billion threemartini inimualfortax-preferredretire $1.00perhourisexpectedtolunchbreak."Dasch descriplowedle\'s mentsavingsplans.Thisbill,receiveseriousconsider tion of the business mealsationdeducscored at $26.7 billion, is differentbefore Congr wraps up its tion has been called "misguided," essbusifromH 1 thatpassed theness inr.as studies have shown that pr .R.102Octobe eviHouse by a 4 margin. TheSpeaker of the House J. Dennisous reductionsin this deduction 01-25 ate Sen proposal, whichisspon Hastert(R-IL)hasproposedahaveaffectedthesmallbusiness sored by Senate Finance Commit number ofcuts towithcommunity thehardest andhave taxgo along teeChairmanWilliamRoththehike, including a plan toprovenparticularly detrimental to wage (R-DE includes aof pro accelerateanincreaseinthe taxhotelsrestauran),numberandts. visions backed by Democrats in an efforttomakeitmorelikelyto avoid atialAlthough2000 Foundation Benefactors and Patrons presiden veto. the Roth bill was voted out of theT MRCAwishes to thank the followingFo tion BenefactorheMRCAunda s, FinanceCommitteebya 1 who pledged $5,000 to the foundation in 2000: 6-0 David Grasstone Building Productsp Carmel, Ind. Fires Com any, Mike Peterson Aluminum Corp.,Grove Village,l. PetersenElkIl~ ~ tnlh\Bob TaFterials.,n N.J. ~faroGA Ma Corp Way e, OOt,tR: ~fmg~nwsttw A\'$s@el 01 ~xoo\'sTheMRCAalsoextendsitsthankstothefollowingFoundation !S~ ~ satirm\\F\'\'$.51ffARftffaJrtJonferense-and Trade Evow Patrons,whopledged $1,000 per year for the next five years tothe P Atlltanl t~J 1998. $amof1 [$.1-t0011MRCA Foundation in a,ru~v,TfM~l ~ stnct1G!:li\\S$P~a.Horrs "Mf!Mt,tOJNDavid J. Tilsen Roofing Company, Inc., Madison, Wis. ~t:gr Tilsen ffftefiPNJ.\'ffFl ~IW":Atlanta,,i~~~-001@Dennis R. Runyanp e , CedarIfJ. W.ffii71 Dryt i ~c, Rapids,owa t:{ v,l\'c$~aof}lll!$gltantttn$1-ifl!fw \'\'fo ntatffi atfW/JP ~ :C f!fl a;ttig Doug~a~ R, ardson: ~O~~~e~tInc., ~~; ;;RoofsDall~s : Q(Jf1\'$U}tinrl Saftl;;lieQO9t9%8~f ~ -Wt,,~ ,,ITTeff,;!]Jany, Inc., Fremont, ,M)l~l\'-.Ohio H ,. . H~nso, .i l t{at.$t-ates Roofing Company, Ames l wa ar.~(1. ;p~llijlJam~s.Ai B ) .D-. u~Compa~y, A~ e e,ltiw; ~ ~ ~ a~ ~Roo.n,1i,,1~.iUrtrs {IZCM;!\\).Jam, s-fckstem, Jr .ste1., C 1~t1 Ja . , ~cJ;i.!f.Xp0\':mwJames F. Karczewski Christi~j\'fr-eam;\'III. ai F J AJan.1~-~Onit~\\liR@ ig C o James C.Mansfield James Mansi@. .SonS\' L , ofa ontract rsCompany,yons Ill. Qt-rVeoon attaTrade $Mow,Jay Refieunaield Roofing and Sheet Metal,.,, Ill. Ji Mansf Inc LyonselH-1~\'\'M;\'fl-fJ.nn eJJnvenS , Jim Gentry rberg Roofing Inc., St Lo s ~ atfra Ki ui\'ffl ventton Gitle, fe John D. Drew d-West Roofing Company, Mason City, Iowa n.ftMiJohn D. StephensonStephenson Roofing,nd Heights,. Company Maryla MoKurt Baumgartner rtin Roofing Comp Inc., Wichita, Kan. Ma any, L.B. Morris lers &isng, Kansas City, Mo. Sel Marqu Roofi Companymargin, there isoppositionMichael J. DalsinDalsin Company,Sioux Falls, S.D. someM JInc., fromotherRepublicansthattheMichael Pettigrew igrew &Inc., Fort Wayne, Ind. Pett Sons, new, Democrat-friendly provisionsTeel Evans Milbrand Roofing Comp Warren, Mich. Theany, are not justified. This billenjoyRaymond L. Haselton.Roofing Company, Inc.,,l. will. UnionChenoa Ilprotectionas ailiation billRobert F. HuntingtonRoofing Company, Inc.,lis reconc AAAIndianapounder Senate rules andthusJames Brosseau&rosseau Roofing Inc.,, wouldBennettB Romeoville Ill. notneed60votestoovercomeClifford Johnson ire& Insulation. In Tulsa, Okla. Emp RoofingCo c., debate in the Senate.Michael CainRoofing &Metal,,l. AdvancedSheetUrbana IlAnth M. Spigarelli tral Roofing Company, Minneapolis onyCen'