b"resident'sArticle Closing Comments By Dave Ti/se MRCA President n, This is the last article Iwrit continuousimprovementofourfor the roofing contractor. am ingas ane officialof theassociation.TomKnight, JohnFullerton, lected MidwestRoofingContractorsGreg Petersen,trick,dand the rest ofM R staff Rod Pe an theCAhave Association.Ihavegainedathe other members of the conb a p sure to work with ven eenlea and wealth of knowledge and numer tiondid ajob inr p ivetoallmyrequests committeesuperbes onsous friends over the seven years Iplanning and p ducing this year's(some Iit have been trivial). ro admhave sat on the Board of Directors.event.A specialthanks to our C irhaI wouldlike to take this opportu Thevariouscommitteechair man of the Board, Ku Bau artrtmgnity to express my thanks to a fewmen,and co mem nerforhishonesty,dedication, boardmmittee people who have made my term abers,advisors putaeatand p ressive tho pandforthgr rog ughtrocess. truly wonderful one.effort under atight sched And fin y to my wifeaveryule.all Sarand JohnS son,ifelected,Th are theindividualswho,the rest of my family for sharing tephen ese will serve as the next MRCA Pres along with our m ,thetheir time and allowing me to stay embers make ident. John in his role as F tMRCA what it is - an associationinvolved in the MRCA. irs Vice President gave the MRCA and me edication his full support. John's dto the MRCA is second to none -he will be a tremendous President and is most deserving of this seat. Second Vice President Jim Barr andSecretary/TreasurerEd Williamsencour andchagedallenged me to focus on the longterm fu the MRCA. Jim and ture of Ed have been instrumental in the ~ , ::'11eBeliev~:\\11, . ,i ,,t'1~ill Ai', ThEr PcJ~~fHands~~k~ l Wot_kers'eompInsliranceI .Forlla? jlt_ .Industries, _do us :,)~._ tlf Oi ' A:Qleris~e.Inc.*; 23oi High.WayI90 \\Vest DeRid'1er, Louisiana 7()&_ 006 34-6Phone: f-80.0-897-9719 Fax: 1-'800-450-1091 ,r niai_J: aiic-mktg@al)'lcris,a{~.c()m :A Ametican Interstate Insurance Company Silver Oak Ca~ualty Inc."