b'nchedule-at-a-Glance "51st Annual MRCA Convention and Trade Show" September 7-3, 2000 Note: All MRCA programs will be held at Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center ,vednesday,Sept. 6 11 a.m. -NoonMRCA Golfistration,10:30 -11a.m." Insulation and New BloReg Blackhawk:25Polyisocyanuratewing Country ClubAgents" - Ballroom B " and E-commerce" - Hall of Ideas E, H Internet Noon-7MRCA Foundation Annual Golf p.m.Tournament. Blackhawk Country Club11:35 a.m. -12:30 p "T & Rte"Ballr B .m.Upda - oom "Internet and -commerce-Part II: Strategies" Thursday, Sept. 7Hall of Ideas E, H 7:45 -8:45 a.m.\'Von\'! Get Burned!" Hot Roofing Safety Video Presentation - Hall of Ideas E, H9:30 a.m. -4.Spouse/Guest T r - Departs Concourse Hop.m ou tel 7:45 -10 a.m."Thermoplastic Polylefin (TPO) Formula12:30-5.Tr Show Floor Open-Prize Givea and p.m adeways Evolution: Discussions with ManufacturersArtisan Demonstrations and Contractors"Ballroom B1-2:30 p.m." Tile Roofing" - :30Slate 2:45 -3:15 p.m."Concrete Tile Installation" 9-10a.m."Strategic Planning for Your Business"3:30 -4:30 p.m."Wood Rooting" Hall of Ideas E, H 5- 7.MRCA\'s"All-Industry Party" -Olin Terrace p.m0:15-11:15 a.m."Contented Cows Give Better Milk: The PlainMajor Prize Giveaway Ends the Party! Truth About Employee RelationsYour(You mustpresentwin!) andbeto Bottom Line" -Ballroom B 11 :30 a.m. -1 :30 p.m."Opening Luncheon"Community Terrace -1-5:30 p.m.Trade Show Floor Open-Prize Giveaways and :30 Artisan Demonstrations, including: 2-3 p.m."Wood Roofing" 3:15 - 3:45 p.m."Concrete Tile Installation" 4-5 p.m."Slate Tile Roofing" 2:30 -4:30 p.m.Spouse/Guest Wine and Cheese Tasting Community Terrace EveningExhibitor Hospitality Suites Friday, Sept. 8 7:30-9a.m."Eye-Opener Breakfast, "withT& R theFeaturing Renowned Committee\'s "Insider Updates: The LatestSpeakers: Industry Developments, "as well MRCA\'s Annual Business Meeting -Ballroom AAuthor Richard Hadden Fonner Wisconsin Governor Lee 9:15 -10:15 a.m. "Recruiting and Retaining the Best in theSherman Dreyfus Business"Ballroom B -'