b'An Ounce ofThe "Fricklas Quiz" on Factory MPreventionutual Continued from page 4Continued from page 11 Most of those who participate in the SI/ARPhave realized theroof system (st seam, lap seam or insulated metall).this programandingpane When value of the absence of those bad things that might have happened, and howis not available, recommendation 2.2.3.astanding seam roofs allows for involvement in Sl/.4RPthem. Kurt Steinkuhler of George Grohonly perlite or isoboard, inlayers. T upp layer must be specifically preventedtwoheer ingleTheould and Sons in Emporia, Kan. told me that several companies in his area haveapproved for that s ply.total thickness of insulation sh not beenmadeawareoftheexceptionalsafetyprogramtheyhavethroughexceed theapproved thick in the FM guide for that single maximumness SHARP, and therefore they specificallyseekhiscontractingbusinessply. Also see lap seam, etc.insulation mustpre-secured to the existThebe above a others regardless of the dollar amount of the bid.ing metal, with 1.5 times the ratemmended for 22 gauge.lldeck reco deckDave Tilsen of Tilsen Roofing Co. in Madison, Wis. told me th righting,many of these metal panel systems areor 26 gauge.). atafter(as24 theadi about his cooperative safety group of Wisconsin contractors joined Sll4RP,11.You have been re ngstyrene direct to deck, followed by single ply companies involved initially questioned the value of their participation.sheets.FM\'s stance on "thermal barriers?" Then,What is several of themhit withinspections all at once, and they immedi Ans:FM is quite conservative on this one.llentcan be wereOSHAAn exce discussion ately realized the v of the program.found inApproved Product News, volume 1 No.SubscripalueFM4,1, 1998. Countless tales of OSHA inspections resulting in citations that were eithertions and ba issues are availableFMr Communications, ckfromCorpo ate theirspr frompar Norwood, MA 02062 isbarrreduced or dropped inentiretyingthe mouths of SHARPPO Box 9102,. FMconvinced that thermaliers ticipants. Due to involvement in the SHARPSHARPare needed with polystyrene foam when directlylied to metal decks. program,membersapphad ample evidence to prove their commitment to safety and remove any1 FM have ail test and standard? Is itto Kansas City? 2.Doesha applicable notionofnegligence within inspectors\' minds.OSHA inspectors routinelyWhat does MH and SH r and how does this compare to UL 1 epresent, thehaiwalk away from hearings with SHARP members impressed thatcom through 4l ratings? pany was taking extraordinary steps to ensure safety well above OSHA stan Ans:Yes, FM has alFM 4470 uses steel b ls to impact hai requirement,almembranes. A n specification test stan (4473)been d for dards.ewdardhasrafted .Yet, some still qu what the SHARP program does for them andan ice sph test for more rigid roofing products,as concrete, slate estioneresuch l\'fL) 11Jhatthe value is. What is the value of an accidentaldismembermentand tile. FM 4470 includes amap where en puncture resistance __death orhailhanced on one of your job sites? Thousan of dollars in compensation? Ai-mil is needed.designation MH is for moderate hail which canused anydsmult FMbe lion dollar law suit? Potential bankruptcy?Pe responsibility for the ill wh but SH for severeil is r dthe hailt. Kanrsonalere,ha ecommende withinbel sas being of allow human being? Incarceration for criminal negligence? Y City is certainlyin the h beltan average of three-to-fourper fe ouwith ailwithdays never know until it happens to you,unless youtake heedof thelessonsyear where hail is noted.is an approximate en of 8b. (1MHergyft-l 0.8J), and SH about 14 ft-lbs (1 The UL 14ings of UL Standard learned by others.9J).throughratavinghose2218 also represent steelll drop tests.energ are tabuba Approximateies But, what is the value ofnoth an accident or mortal incident?Twho cannot or will not rationally conceptualize something that has not hap lated below:\' pened to them will never know until it islate and it actually happens. T 1Cullen, W.Hail Damage to Rooting: Assessment and Classification, toohoseC., who have experienced such atrophe themselves or h learned from theProceedings of the Fourthternational Symposium on Roofing Technology, catas aveInexperiences of others know very well that.1997. valueOh sure, hindsight is 20/20.by then, it is too late. Remember,fButsaety is ergy, no accident!StandardDia,. mmMass, kaDistance, mmEn Joules ASTM502.27135530.0 0-3746 FM Class 1-SH450.36540019.0 FM Class 1-MH510.737150010.8 UL 1320.12737004.6 UL 2380.21846009.8 UL 3460. 520018.3 358 UL 4510.521610031.2'