b'system performance. This level ofroof asset management function,Management," teaches the princi EMS tohelpmaintainth roof eir attention will extend the roof sys the owner will lower his life-cyclep discussed previously in thisasset management lesprograms. tem\'slifeandloweritsoverallcostsduetoanincreasedroofarticle.Participants learnhow to"The roof, becau of its expose cost.systemlifeexpectancy.He willcreatea historicalfile anddata suretoweatherandtechnical The last step in the roof assetalso gain additional benefits, suchbase and hire aor con complexity,isthemost valuable contractor management process is to gener as more accuratebudgetingandsultant,orwhatisnecessary tocomponent of ailding. Ant bu receate a budget based onprojectedfewer disruptions to thetrain an employee tooversee anstudy*by theNational Research building\'s maintenancecosts.Thisallowsfunction.in-house roof asset managementCouncilofCanada(NRC)conownersandmanagerstomoreHow do youknow the cost ofprogram.Alsoaddressedareducted on 5150 roofs (BUR, MB, accuratelypredictexpensesandimplementing a roof asset man activities such as conducting andEPDM, PVC) shows that unless a plan for maintenance and eventualagementprogramisagoodschedulinginspections andgen regularmanagementprogramof replacement.Thisbudgetinginvestment? The best way to esti erating financial reports that helppreventivemaintenanceis instiprocessalso benefits a buildingmate the payback of the roof assetmanagersplanforroofmainte tuted,partialorcompleteroof owner by reducing the likelihoodmanagementinvestmentistonance or replacement.replacement may be required preofunexpected"crisis"roofing project the life-cycle costs underThesecondclass,"Roofer maturely." related expenses.various maintenance programs. AEMS," trains participants how to*"BuildingEnvelopePerforIcostanalysisisanuse one of the most popular roofmance andNRG Instiife-cycleDurability," Aaccounting tool used to predict theasset management computer pro tute for Research in Construction. "Win-Win" Roofassetmanagementisroof system\'s cost by evaluating agrams, Roofer-EMS, developed byJerryTeitsma,RRCisan project.S. gaininginpopularity for severalproject oralternatives overthe U Army Corp of Engineers.instructor and Technical Director reasons.Itisa win/winforallatime period. This meansThe U.S. military and private own for the RoofingIndustry Educapreset involved parties.comparing the life-cycle costs ofers, such as WalMart,Roofer- tional Institute. use If acontractor contractsdifferenttypesofmaintenance roofing to provide the roof asset manage programs, or thelife-cycle costs ment function, he will be paid forof roof systems of varying quality,DISTINCTIVE CORPORATE ~is service and the necessary roofovera designatedstudyperiodHOLIDAY GREETINGS th 1maintenance work. When the roof(forroofing,usually20to25FOR THE ROOFING INDUSTRY systemreachesitsinevitableyears).Call ora Fax for replacementcondition,thecon The American Society of Test FREE CATALOG tractor11be in aposi ing and Maintenance (ASTM) calwipreferred tion to bid or negotiate the project.culation method defined in ASTM~ f-~ \\~~\' \'-\'-""il.~ ~If aperforms the roofE"StandardPractice for~~.,_S,\\\\;.:-~tlI\' consultant917-93,\'\\~ :.: \\;\'$~ ___ ~-.\' ., \' assetmanagementfunction,heMeasuringLife-CycleCostsof- ,:-will be compensated for this activ Buildings and Building Systems" ityandwilllikelyprovideotherissucha costanalysistool.It functions for the owner, such asoffers the credibility of an ASTM newconstructionspecificationstandardmethodandprovides work, quality assurance work, etc.cost projections in a way that is Theowneralsomayelecttounderstood easily. Data provided delegate this function to an exist bybuildingownersandroofing ingemployeewhohasreceivedprofessionals give convincing tesproper training. Trainingmaybetimony that m investedin a oney- -costlyinbothtimeandmoney;roof assetmanagementprogram\' . ownersneed to consider whotoprovides apayback and low/ .,. .;\',."\'\'\\f1\'"-goodj-sendforthistraining_. carefully.life-cyclets.11//\'14+ ~i[111~ 1cos iA- t,Jr.,\'11,.I"\',-r However,uponcompletingthe1II\'\'11\'II\' 11L1, .,- I.III,1:111Ii, training, theemployeewillbeRIEi RAM ClassesI\', knowledgeable aboutroofassetTheRoofingIndustryEducamanagement programs andpos tional Institu (RIEi) teaches two te T/Q41VtA112T./to,/C. sess skills that produce cost sav roofassetmanagement(RAM)Distinctive Corporate Greetings & Giftware long81-416 Meridian Rd_SE ings for atime.classes.Calgary Alberta Canada T2A 1X2 NomatterwhoperformstheThefirstclass,"RoofAssetTel (403) 212-55011-888-272-5504Fax (403) 235-1960'