b'Working With General Contractors By John Hinshaw Editor\'s Note:The opinionswith quality general contractors.allows the general to pay within expressed in this article are thoseT of the most common prob 10daysafterreceiptofthe wo ofauthorno way reflectlems encounte when workingowner\'s payment. This may lead theand inred those ofMRCA merely by factwith general contractors a shop to financial difficulties if 10 days there ofMRCA welcomesping bids and slow pay.stretch into 15 or 20. Th your publication.at\'s articles andto the editor torShopping b soccurmoney the general contractor is lettersid maywhen publication in the Midwest Rooferthe g contractor calls andusing in thentime. It can be eneralmeathat may express different opin saysyouaren low,buthedifficult to meet yourn finanotowdo ions on this and other matters ofwouldliketouseyouifyoucial obligations when others importance to roofing contractors.reduce your bidby a specifiednot meet th for you. em MRCAreservestherighttoa Inmost instances,heThe all-time favoritefor mount.excuse include letters to the editor atmay be telling the truth. However,lateinfield is "Tpaymentanyhe MRCA \'s discretion. Allandit is possible the general is mark check\'s in the mail."R r lettersemembegrace perarticles may be subject to editinging up his profit at your expense.that aiod is usually prothatnot intended to change theEvery condition is different, but itvided to a ow for postal deliverisll y, author\'s message.is important tobepreparedatsoit should arriveby thedate As roofing contractors, some some point tosir, gen specified. Check those contracts say "No timeswefeel exploitedfor theeral."and call when the checks are not benefit of general contractors atTh is usually athereceived wheney\'re supposed~ erereasonthour expense.Likewise,generalotherbidderwaslower~poorto. becontractors may feel that we arequality workmanship or incom Should you give up lien rights responsibleth may goplete bids top the list. It ison private work? Definitely not. for thingsatsomewrongbecausewearebeyondtimesgoodpracticetogentlyThis puts aractor at roofing conttheir directBy airing ourremind alof therisk to lose a vital means of legal control.genera contractor common frustration perhaps weold adage, "you get what you payrecourse inof nonpayment. If s,case maysmoothfor." If you are athet is already written that contracsome of our dif professionalway, modify it. Sign your initials ferences to betterroofing contrac next tothechange and tel I the work together.torthatdoesgeneral what you have done and This article isquality work at awhy. If they are reasonable and writtentoreasonab lerespectable they willknowledge acexpresssomeprice, they willyour wishes. possible pitfallsbebacknextHoldharmlessclausesare tobewaryoftimehavingappropriatetoprotectgeneral whenworkinglearnedtheircontractors from possible damithroofi contracw generallesson.ages caused by ang contractors. It isSlow pay cantor. H we must also proowever, not intended toberuinoustotect ourselves from their actions. malign them, butprovide someyour cash flow. If you receive aWatch out for two-way hold h toarmadviceforthoseworkingw hcontractgave up 10 per less clauses. S holdrmless it after youomehageneralcontractorsandavoidcent to g the job,atclauses may leave you responsietlook closely forpotential problems. Use the in the payment terms. Then compareble for things beyond your conmation below to identify and avoidthose with the owner\'s contracttrol, or even for thetire project. enworking with poor ones, so youterms, if the information is avail Completion penalties may also-may cement long-lasting and suc able to you. Some of the worstcarryexcessiveliability. Make cessful professional relationshipsproblems occur wh the ownerContinued on page 14 en 4'