b"resident'sArticle AnOpponent in the Rough By David Ti/sen, Ti/sen Roofing Co., Inc. At the time I w te this article, aThe team member who was soassociations including the National rimarvelous sporting event has justheavily criticized m aracu R ing Con rs, ademi oof tracto Associationconcluded. The ending was unbe lous40-foot putttosecuretheMid t R Contractors Assowes oofing escribedvictory.telievable; some even d it asAmericanciation,WesternSta s Roofing m aculous.Something amazing has recentlyContr Michigan ir actors Association, The event was the Ryder Cup; ataken pla inroofing industry.Roofing Contractors Association, cethe team golf competition held everyAs I writearticle, the proposedIowa Roofing ContractorsthisAssociatwo years inthe top AmericanFactoryMutual4490Approvaltion, C ago Roofingtractors whichhic Conprofessionals compete against theStandardstalled.rd onAssociationandoth came hasWo theers top European professionals.street isin-house counsel forto r, ral I, andpushed the thatgethe iedThis year, the E builtFactory Mutual has discovered agorilla o its platform.re uropeansffThe may what seemed to be an insurmount significant legal technicality thatvery welllegal technic that bealities able lead after the first two days ofcould make the standa invalid.have forcedto slow the implerdFM European play. Theteam becameThe process of implementing thementationprocessofthe4490 the900-poundgorillapushing4490 Standard has been stalled forStandard; Iferthink that the pre to around its opponent on U.S. turf.at least 90 days.various contractorassociations At the c of the s ondWhenFMunveiledtheearlyhave just sunk ato onclusionec 40-foot puttput day of play many observers senseddraftsofthe4490Standarditour team ahead. that the talent laden American teamb very apparent that roofingIldto close byecamewou likeexpresswas really a bunch of prima donnas,contractors weredealingwithaingappreciation for the effort put my more concerned with appearance900-pound gorilla of their own.forth by the N FMtaskforce, RCA feesthanAaa teamIndustryassocia- includingdintec c withiser competinginMRCA'shni al advformat.tionswereRe D d lingthis neupuis,earespectedsplinteredinissue. Ialso like to thank the woulmemberofdealingwithmany regional and local contractor the Americanthis issue. Theassociations forirpthe in ut. golfmediaNRCAtookaThe 4490 m isover yet, atchnot blastedtheneutralposi but the roofing contractoris team U.S.team,tion.Theoneupa inthe fairway. Our nd going so far asMRCAstatedopponentappearstobein the suggestingouropposi rough. thatone teamtion.Other member shouldassociations haveremainedremained homeandquiet. watchedtheAfterthe eventontelevi MRCAreleasedourofficial sion.position statement, aedirespected As play beganthe final day,tor of an industry trade magazine on something amazing happened. Thiswrote angthat could stingi editorial splintered group came together,h created great friction between ral ave lied, pushed the gorilla off its plat contractor associations. form, and won the Ryderin theItthe 4490 Standard was Cupseemed greatest comeback inevent'son trackrlementation. Tthefo imp hen history.somethingunbelievable,even miraculousha Industry ppened."