b"- MRCA Foundation GolTournamentyer 1999PlaRe gistration Form Deer Creek Golf Club, 7000 W. 1 Overland Park W October 27 33rd,ednesday, Registration Procedure:.,. Ifareing singly: Complete information in the P 1ion.will be placed in aome. youregister layer#sect Youfoursyouasgroup: Itare registeringpart of aList the players' names in the spaces provided. If less thanplayers are listed, additional players will be assigned to complete your tourfoursome. Payment Options: CJPlayers will pay individually as indicated below. O All group fees will be paid for with acheck or credit card. Clearly indicate which player is responsible for the charges of the group. single Players Number ofTotal Payment Enclosed X$l40 Player'ifl:____ ____ _________Playerf2:_ ________ ______ __Handicap:.___ ____ Average Score: _ _____Handicap: _ _______e______ _ Averag Score: Company: _ _________________Company:_____________ _ ___ _Add Address:_____________ _____ ress: City/State/Zip:City/State/Zip: Phone: __________________Phone: _ ______ _ __________r PlayerI Payment Information:Player *2 Payment Information: f Check(Payable to MRCA}Check(Payable to MRCA) EnclosedEnclosed tiMasterCardOVisaOAMEXExpiration:MasterCardVisaOAMEXExpira on: Card Number:Card Number: Name on Card: _____ ___________Name on Ca ___ _________ _ _ __ rd: Sign __________ _ ___ ____Signature: _ _ _______ _ ________ ature: Playerf3:_______ _ ___ ___ _ __Player#4:_ ________________Handicap:__ _____ Average Score: ______Hand _ ____ _ _ _Average Score: _ _ _ _ __ _ icap: Company: _ ______ ___________Company: _ _________________Address:Address: City/State/Zip:City/State/Zip: Phone: ___ _ ___ ___ ___ _____Phon _ _________________ e: nformation Payment InformationPlayer #3 Payment I :Player *4: OCheck Enclosed (Payable to MRCA)Check(Payable Enclosedto MRCA) MasterCardOVisaOAMEXExpiration:MasterCardVisaOAMEXExpiration: Card Number:Card Number: Name on Card:________________Name on Card:_______ _______ __Signature: _ _ ______ _ _____ ____Sign : _ ___ _ _ _ ___ ____ ____ atureShuttle Seniee Shu Service from the Kansas City Marriott Downtown to the golfurse will be provided at 7:15 a.m.those who list theirbelow: ttleco fornames Name:___ _ ____Name:________Name:_ _____ ___Name: ___ _ _____ _ , _ . service_Total persons needing shuttle:_ 12"