b'BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Continued from page 7pictures that capture the essential information inConclusioneach booth, including the company name and theFollow the tips from these experts and you will relevant product or service. These images willhave a much greater chance of making a trade prove helpful later when you return home. show pay off. Mental preparation is key. Too Its also wise to take careful notes regarding follow- often we let trade shows happen to us, rather ups. Whom did you talk to? What did they promisethan plotting out how we are going to get the best to do or send? Later you can monitor whether youreturn from them, said Powell. Trade shows are received what they promised, or whether a phoneimportant tools for advancing an organization, but call is appropriate.it takes a good strategy to make it all happen. Set Bonus tip: Record important booth conversationsa goal, make a plan, return home, and implement.on your smart phone or portable device, then have the recording transcribed back home. CHECKLIST FOR A Mistake #6: Unproductive networkingNetworkingisvitaltosuccess.ManypeopleSUCCESSFUL SHOW though, fail to understand that it is a skill like any other. Trade show experts advise taking the timeW ill you get the most profitable return you can to practice in advance until you know exactly whatfrom your investment attending a trade show? you will do in a variety of common situations.Give yourself 10 points for each Yes answer Chance suggests rehearsing your approach into these questions. Then total your points to see how three areas: How you first address an individual,prepared you are for your next show.what you say during the ensuing conversation,1.Have you set three specific goals for the show? and how you disengage gracefully to move down the aisle. Nailing this routine will give you the self2.Have you decided on the one major business problem confidence to approach others quickly, easily andfor which you will pursue a solution?productively. 3.Have you outlined detailed strategies to reach your Bonus tip: Set specific follow-up times with vendorsthree goals? and colleagues who are especially important to4.Haveyouidentifiedaquietspotforbusiness your business. Let them know you will call themdiscussions with important contacts?at a certain time.5.Have you outlined a walking pattern that maximizes Mistake #7: Haphazard seminar selectionsyour time?Seminarscanbeessentialcomponentsofa6.Have you practiced how to control the conversation successful trade show event. Attending too many,when you enter a booth?or going to ones that are less important, can waste valuable time that could be spent interacting with7.Have you established a system of effective note vendors and colleagues. taking?Sit down ahead of time and ask, which seminars8.Have you rehearsed productive conversational tactics relate to the three goals I have established forfor use when you meet, engage and disengage with this show? said Powell. Rather than attend apeople?questionable presentation, check to see whether9.Have you marked seminars worth attending?it will be recorded for later viewing on social media or a website. 10. Have you asked colleagues what information you can Bonus tip: Introduce yourself to seminar speakersobtain for them?aftertheirpresentations,thankingthemandWhats your score? Over 80: Success! You are ready for exchanging business cards. Such contacts canyour show. Between 60 and 80: Time to fine tune your be valuable later when you have questions onlyplanning skills. Below 60: Its a good idea to re-gear by they can answer. instituting ideas from the accompanying story.8 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'