b'EducationalSessionsand profit of your business while living with real impact and purpose4:30 pm7:00 pmPast Presidents Dinner today and tomorrow. This talk will catapult you from feeling like(By Invitation) KINCAIDS FISH, CHOPS & STEAKSyour business is a burden and chore and reframe your business into a massive asset that allows for significant value for you, yourNEW MEMBER / FIRST TIMER RECEPTIONfamily, and many others. You will leave feeling hopeful about the7:00 pm7:30 pmIntercontinental Hotel - GREAT business you already have instead of dreading what you are afraidRIVER BALLROOM FOYERyour business has become. Hosted by: MRCA Women in Roofing (WinR).GENERAL EDUCATION This reception offers new MRCA members and first-time attendees to the MRCA Annual Conference & Enhancing Your Leadership Skills: A Journey of Self- Expo the opportunity to meet the MRCA Board as well as Reflection and Intentional Living others who are attending the conference for the first time. 2:15 pm3:15 pmRoom 13-15 It is also an opportunity to receive information about MRCA, Speaker: Larry Stock - Queen City Roofinggeneral information about the 2024 Annual Meeting, and and Sheet Metal a sneak peek at what is to come in 2025.Have you ever wondered what its like to be on the receiving end of your leadership? LeadersYCC FUNDRAISER WELCOME PARTYare perpetual learners, and the most challengingTIMBER BASH! CASINO NIGHTperson to lead is often oneself. This session will(Separate Registration Fee)delve into the importance of self-reflection and understanding our own tendencies and their impacts. Discover7:30 pm10:00 pm Intercontinental Hotel - GREAT strategies to become more present and productive, even whenRIVER BALLROOMtimefeelsscarce.Learnhowlivingintentionally,ratherthanHosted by: YOUNG CONTRACTORS COUNCILaccidentally,canyieldsignificantpersonalandprofessionalDress Up as a Lumber Jack or Lumber Jill! Your YCC Event benefits. registration includes food, access to our open bar, and Larry is a former MRCA board member who recently sold hissome gambling money to get you started. It also gets roofing company that he had owned and worked for 45 years.you a seat at any of our game tables for Texas Hold Em, He is now enjoying providing leadership development and teamBlackjack, Craps, and Roulette. Game tables will be hosted productivity improvement training to others.by professional dealers. Cash in your chips at the end of the night for chances to win big in the bucket raffle. Deal TECHNICAL & SAFETY EDUCATION yourself a night to remember and register now! Proceeds Hail Impact and Granule Surfaced Modifiedfrom this event will benefit the MRCA Foundation. Bitumen Study Findings 2:15 pm3:15 pmBALLROOM DSpeaker: Gary AumanAuman, Mahan, & FurryJoin MRCA Legal Counsel, Gary Auman, for anessentialeducationalsessiontailored forroofingcontractors.Thissessionwill delveintothecriticalconsiderationsand safety responsibilities involved when hiring subcontractors.Attendeeswillgainvaluableinsightsinto managing safety liabilities, ensuring compliance with industry standards, and implementing best practices to protect their workforceandbusiness.Dontmissthisopportunityto learn how to keep an arms-length relationship with your subcontractorsandwhatobligationsyoumayhavewith them. #MRCA2024www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer 23'