b'SAFETY HEAVY-DUTY, NOT HEAVYWEIGHTAdded strength without any added weight.FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSIONS NON-COMPETE BAN RULED UNLAWFULBy Doug Jenks, Abby White, Amy MitchellA Federal District Court in Texas has halted thewill likely be one of many citing Loper Bright Enterprises Federal Trade Commissions ban on non-competeto limit federal agencies power.agreementsandhasblockedenforcementThere will be an appeal to the Fifth Circuit, where the non-nationwide. Scheduled to take effect on September 4,compete rule is expected to face a hostile reception. And 2024, the FTCs ban sought to invalidate most non-competeother courts are also considering the legality of the non-agreements between employers and employees. Forcompete rule, thereby guaranteeing continued litigation for all but the top senior executives, existing non-competethe foreseeable future, including a likely appeal to the U.S. agreements would have been immediately invalidated,Supreme Court.Based on the trend to limit federal agency and new non-competes prohibitedaltogether.power, it now appears doubtful that the non-compete rule Recently, the FTC (among other government agencies)will ever become effective in its current form. had been criticized for exceeding its authority. And onWhat does that mean for you? Employers that wereProVia metal roofing is constructed of highly durable 26-gauge galvanized steelup to 30% more August 20, 2024, Judge Ada Brown of the Federal Districtplanning to comply with the non-compete rule can nowthan the industry average. Its also 3x lighter than asphalt shingles, so its easier to work with.Court of the Northern District of Texas agreed, ruling thatstand down. The non-compete ban will no longer take the FTCs non-compete ban was arbitrary and capricious. effect on September 4, 2024, or any time soon. Its the right thing to do.Significantly, Judge Brown cited Loper Bright Enterprises,For now, employers can continue to operate without the a recent case in which the United States Supreme Courtconstraints of the FTCs proposed rule. 6 Reasons to critically weakened federal agencies power to set rules.Partner with ProVia This decision out of the Northern District of Texas, therefore,DOORS | WINDOWS Metal RoofingSIDING | STONE| ROOFING32 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'