b'EducationalSessionsMONDAY, october 21 ST GENERAL EDUCATION7:30 am3:00 pmRegistration(ROTUNDA) Architectural Sheet Metal Best Practices: A Panel 7:30 am3:00 pmExhibitor Set-up (EXHIBIT HALL A) Discussion1:00 pm2:00 pmROOM 13-15 MORNING YOGA SESSION Moderator: Luke Haines - Roofmasters Roofing & Sheet MetalWomen in Roofing (WinR) Sponsored Yoga Session Management: Dylan Wiesner - Roofmasters Roofing & Sheet Metal9:00 am10:30 am(Intercontinental HotelKELLOGG ROOM) Manufacturer: Charlie Smith - McElroy MetalJoin the Women in Roofing Committee and kickEstimator:James P. Fleming - Langer Roofing & Sheet Metaloff conference with a relaxing yoga session withField: Joe Huntington - AAA Roofing CoInstructor, Rachel Garcia. Participants will bePlease join our panel guided through a session designed for the beginner andof professionals intermediate yogi alike and everyone will go home withas they share their their very own yoga mat! expertise regarding estimating, measuring, ordering, fabricating, transporting and installing MRCA BOARD MEETING(Closed Meeting) architectural sheet metal. This interactive seminar will encourage 10:00 am12:00 pm(ROOM 9) attendee participants to share their successes and even their not-MRCA Board Meeting & New Director Orientation so-successful experiences for a collaborative learning experience.BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION TECHNICAL EDUCATIONPractice to be Prepared: The CustomersRoof Deck Integrity Study ResultsEmergencies are Your Emergencies 1:00 pm2:00 pmBALLROOM D1:00 pm2:00 pmROOM 10-12 Speaker: Richard Kristie and Speaker: Tracey Donels - Service FirstHeidi Mase - Wiss, Janney, SolutionsElstner Associates, Inc.The success of your service departmentTheMRCAResearchand hangs on your ability to provide amazingTestingProgramfor2024 customerservice.Providingamazingfocused on oriented strand customer service is easier when you haveboard (OSB) roof sheathing a team of staff members trained specificallyand asphalt shingles. The purpose was to help answer questions tohandletheunpredictablesituationsrelated to multiple asphalt shingle roof replacements on the same faced when helping customers with their emergencies. Juststructure(s) and how diminishment in structural performance of like firefighters are primarily responsible for responding tothe OSB sheathing may impact asphalt shingle roofing replacement emergency situations, service department staff must respondconsiderations and installation practice(s). The objective of to the customer with a similar alertness while maintaining athe research and testing program was to identify and compare professional demeanor. Tracey will identify the characteristicsstructural changes in sheathing substrate conditions and extent of the staff necessary to create a customer-centric culture and explain how to train simple, repeatable processes thatof strength loss in 1/2-inch (15/32) and 5/8-inch (19/32) OSB will organically yield greater brand trust and loyalty amongsheathing resulting from multiple roof replacements as measured customers. Like firefighters, your service department mustby fastener withdrawal and concentrated load strength testing.work as a team to resolve the customers emergency and maximize the companys goals. He will address how strategically2:00 pm2:15 pmBREAK placed staff members in your service department must beBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EDUCATIONeducated in both their roles and the roles of their teammates to allow for seamless communication.Similar to how controlled4 Predictable Ways Roofing Contractors Grow Their burns are used to train firefighters, you must train your serviceBusiness without Debtdepartment with routine procedures.Finally, Tracey will review2:15 pm3:15 pmROOM 10-12how to maximize the time of your staff between emergencies.Speaker: Scott BeebeBusiness On PurposeLike firefighters, your service department has downtime, butIn this mindset-shifting talk, Scott Beebe, CEPA, in those moments your team cannot be committed elsewhere;the founder of Business on Purpose will walk otherwise, there will be no one prepared when a customers emergency arises. you through the difference between a lifestyle business and a value creation business that allows you to unlock the purpose, people, process, 22 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'