b'Presidents MessageSEPTEMBER IS SUICIDE PREVENTION MONTHBob Poutre, MRCA PresidentM ental health in our industryStrategies for Improvementis a critical issue that has gained increasing attention1.Mental Health Training: Providing training for both recently. With September beingworkers and management on mental health awareness Suicide Prevention Month, I feelcan help reduce stigma and encourage early intervention. there is no better time than nowTraining can also include strategies for managing stress and to touch on this subject for oursupporting colleagues.members. 2.Access to Support Services: Ensuring that workers have Our friends at NRCA haveaccess to mental health resources, such as counseling addressed the issue recently and sent out a Suicide Preventionservices and employee assistance programs, is crucial. Packet for their members to use. It included a Cover Letter, aEmployers can also provide information on how to access Fact Sheet, a Toolbox Talk, Hard Hat Stickers and Breakroomthese services and encourage their use.Posters to raise awareness of this important issue. They have3.Promoting Open Dialogue: Creating an environment also announced a Mental Health Webpage that is now on theirwhere mental health can be openly discussed without fear of site. judgment is important. This can involve regular check-ins Roofing work is often physically demanding and can involveand fostering a supportive culture.long hours, tight deadlines, and high-pressure environments, all4.Improving Working Conditions: Addressing factors of which can contribute to mental health challenges. Here aresuch as long hours, physical strain, and unsafe working some key points to consider: conditions can help reduce stress and improve mental Key Issues health. Ensuring that workers have adequate breaks and time off is also beneficial.1.Stress and Anxiety: The high-pressure nature of roofing work, combined with safety concerns and job insecurity,5.Supportive Leadership: Leaders in the industry can can lead to significant stress and anxiety. Workers oftenplay a key role by modeling healthy behaviors, showing face unpredictable schedules and challenging workingempathy, and creating policies that prioritize mental health. conditions, which can exacerbate these issues. Leadership support can significantly impact the overall culture and acceptance of mental health initiatives.2.Isolation: Some roofing workers spend long periods away from their families and social support networks, leading toBy addressing these issues and implementing supportive feelings of isolation and loneliness. This can be especiallymeasures, the Roofing Industry can make significant strides in true for workers on remote sites or those who travelimproving mental health and overall well-being for its workers, frequently for work. our most important resource.3.Stigma: There is often a stigma associated with discussing mental health issues in the roofing industry. Workers mightWishing you all the very best,fear judgment or repercussions, which can prevent them from seeking help or talking about their struggles.4.Substance Abuse: The stress and pressure in the industry can sometimes lead to substance abuse as a copingBob Poutremechanism. This can further complicate mental healthMRCA Presidentissues and impact overall well-being. Roof Tech, Inc.5.Work-Life Balance: The demanding nature of roofing work can make it difficult for workers to maintain a healthy work-life balance, contributing to mental health challenges.4 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'