b'EducationalSessionsTECHNICAL & SAFETY EDUCATION 12:30 pm4:00 pmEXPO OPEN (EXHIBIT HALL A)Safety Matters Signatory Contractors Roundtable Discussion9:40 am10:40 amBALLROOM D 2:30 pm4:00 pmROOM 9Speaker: Gary AumanAuman, Mahan, &Speakers: John Quarnstrom, CEO of the Sheet Metal and Furry Roofing Contractors Association in Saint Paul, MNThispresentationwillprovideattendeeswithValerie Pope, MRCA Signatory Contractors Council Staff and practicalinformationonsafetycomplianceasDirector of Labor Relationswell as steps to take to ensure that safety is beingJohn will discuss the practiced in the field the way you mandate it forseparate Architectural your employees. You will get a look at how theAgreement they have various departments of OSHA interpret their responsibilities to ensurewith their Local Union and a safe working environment for all employees. Gary will also touch onhow that has benefited some of the subtleties in OSHA standards that are often missed bythe Roofing Contractors contractors in our industry. Finally, he will cover any new standards orin his area. Valerie will talk developments from OSHA and how they may/will affect you and yourabout the separate architectural addendum that the Dayton, Ohio employees. contractors have with their SMART Local, and how that has led to 10:40 am10:50 am Breakdiscussions about a possible separate architectural sheet metal apprentice program. In addition, there will be general discussion MEMBERSHIP MEETING & KEYNOTEabout the area settlements that occurred with the Roofers and PRESENTATION Waterproofers Local Unions this past spring.Fighting Back with former Pittsburg Steeler,MRCA RECEPTION & FOUNDATION AUCTIONRocky BleierIntercontinental Hotel - GREAT RIVER BALLROOM10:50 am12:20 amBALLROOM D 5:00 pm8:00 pm Silent AuctionHow can ordinary people become extraordinary achievers?6:45 pm Live AuctionWith the same optimism, sense of humor and steadfastLookingtomaximizeyourConferenceexperience?Makesure determination that were Rockys trademarks as a Pittsburghyou are one of the hundreds of attendees living it up at this Annual Steelers running back. Rocky Bleier takes audiences from hisConferencecelebration! TheReceptionand Auctionarealways early years through his professionala highlight of conference activity, and this event IS FREE TO ALL career and talks about the lessons heREGISTEREDATTENDEESANDEXHIBITORS.Enjoythefood, learned along the way.lessons thatdrinks, and silent auction bidding while you see the faces youve we all can benefit from. Not fallinglooked forward to seeing since last year. The event finale will be the within the ideal of what a runningheart-pumping Live Auction. Big items, big dollars, and big smiles back should look like, Bleier had toalltobenefittheresearchandeducationeffortsoftheMRCA run harder and play smarter to beFoundation.able to stand out. Despite his drive and ability to make the big play, theWEDNESDAY, october 23 RDPittsburgh Steelers only considered him a late round pick. But before the season ended that first8:00 am12:00 pmRegistration (ROTUNDA)year, he was drafted againthis time by the United States9:00 am12:00 pm EXPO OPEN(EXHIBIT HALL A)Army. At the height of the Vietnam War, Bleier was thrust into(Breakfast on Expo floor!)combat early and was seriously wounded when his platoon ran into an ambush. Receiving wounds from both rifle fire and grenade fragments in his legs, he was barely able to walk and his professional football career seemed to have ended before it began.#MRCA202425'