b'MidwestRoofing ContractorsAssociation2024 MRCA Leadership DirectoryOfficers/Executive Committee Paul RamonMIDWEST ROOFER PresidentRamon Roofing, Inc. Robert Poutre Roof Tech, Inc.Casey Snead2024 Vol 67 No 3 MRB Contractors First Vice PresidentLaurie MooreSteep Slope ChairKreiling Roofing Co Brett Tesson Contents Second Vice President/Treasurer Tesson Roofing & ExteriorsJason BlickenderferCouncil / Committee ChairsColumns Blickenderfer Roofing and Real EstateAdvisory Council ChairPresidents Message: Suicide Prevention Month . 4 Secretary Greg Bloom Chris DalyBeacon Building ProductsBusiness: Avoid These 7 Costly Mistakes When Attending a Trade Show 6-8 Kaw Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc. Signatory Contractors Council ChairImmediate Past President Mark LangerIndustry News: GAF Supports Girls Construction Camp in Ohio 10-11 Chairman of the Board Langer Roofing Past Presidents Council ChairBill Seibert T&R ChairmanYCC: Best Practices for Retaining the Workforce in the Roofing Industry12-13 Fisher Roofing of Kearney Randy AdamsR Adams Roofing, Inc.Mobil App 14 Foundation PresidentKelly Lea Editorial ChairCONFERENCE & EXPOINFORMATIONMRB ContractorsTracey DonelsMRCA Foundation Event.15 Service First SolutionsConference & Expo Schedule at a Glance 16-17 Directors CERTA Taskforce ChairArchitectural Sheet Metal Co-Chair James RamserLuke HainesHighland Roofing Company, Inc. Sponsorship Form 18-19 Roofmasters Roofing & Sheet Metal Co.HAWT Taskforce ChairContractor Registration Form .20 Don House Fred Horner BL Dalsin Roofing Advanced Industrial RoofingHotel Information.21 Chris Huntington YCC ChairAAA Roofing Brian CookFull Schedule .22-25 DataformaMichael KatroshQueen City Roofing & Contracting Women in Roofing ChairSponsors 26 Megan BlickenderferArchitectural Sheet Metal Co-Chair Alpha Roofing CompanyYoga Session.27 Conference & Expo ChairDaniel Knickelbein Legal CounselLanger Roofing & Sheet Metal Gary AumanYoung Contractors Council Event 28 Auman, Mahan & FurryMiles MadduxFree Contractor Passes .29-30 Versatile Roofing, LLC StaffLarry Marshall III Megan PopeLegally Speaking: Federal Trade Commissions Non-Compete Ban32 L. Marshall Roofing & Sheet Metal Executive Director & Foundationmpope@mrca.orgSafety: OSHA Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Proposed Rule36-39 Mary McNamaraCornell Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. Bob PopeAssociate DirectorAndrew Meade bpope@mrca.orgAd Index Meade Construction, Inc.Rachel PinkusTubos. 2 Membership & Marketing ChairManaging Director & MR EditorMichael Miller rpinkus@mrca.orgHanover Architectural Products . . 5 Rackley Roofing Company, Inc.Chrystal BeaversAmeriprise Financial . . . 9 John Minet Account ManagerDiamond Roofing cbeavers@mrca.orgTriangle Fastener 9 Business Management ChairMorgan ArwoodKevin PetersenRoofing Contractor Magazine .11 Carlson Racine Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc. Membership Directormarwood@mrca.orgGAF 13 Safety Chair Ryan Petrick Joe WilliamsAuman Mahan + Furry 13 Ridgeworth Roofing Co Inc Graphic Designerjwilliams@mrca.orgCertainTeed Corporation 31 Ian RammelDamschroder Roofing, Inc.Provia 33ACT Metal Deck Supply .34Roofers Coffee Shop 34RK Hydro-Vac .35MRCA Headquarters7250 Poe Ave . Ste . 410 |Dayton, OH 45414Malarkey Roofing Products . 40 Phone: 800 .497 .6722|Fax: 937 .278 .0317www .mrca .orgDisclaimer: The opinions and positions stated in articles published herein are those of the authors and not, byFind us onthe fact of publication, necessarily those of MRCA . MRCA does not endorse roofing products or systems and shall not be deemed by anything herein to have recommended the use or non-use of any particular roofing system .'