b'Scheduleat a GlanceMONDAY, OCTOBER 21 ST7:30 AM - 3:00 PMRegistration (ROTUNDA)7:30 AM - 3:00 PMExhibitor Set-Up (EXHIBIT HALL A)MORNING YOGA SESSION(Separate Registration Required)9:00 AM10:30 AMWomen in Roofing (WinR) Sponsored Yoga Session (Intercontinental HotelKELLOGG ROOM)MRCA BOARD MEETING(Closed Meeting)10:00 AM12:00 PMMRCA Board Meeting & New Director Orientation (ROOM 9)1:00 PM2:00 PMEducational Breakout SessionsBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION(ROOM 10-12)Practice to be Prepared: The Customers Emergencies are Your Emergencies - Tracey Donels - Service First SolutionsGENERAL EDUCATION(ROOM 13-15)Architectural Sheet Metal Best Practices: A Panel Discussion Moderator: Luke Haines - Roofmasters Roofing & Sheet MetalManagement: Dylan Wiesner - Roofmasters Roofing & Sheet MetalManufacturer: Charlie Smith - McElroy MetalEstimator: James P. Fleming - Langer Roofing & Sheet MetalField: Joe Huntington - AAA Roofing Co.TECHNICAL & SAFETY EDUCATION(BALLROOM D)Roof Deck Integrity Study Results - Richard Kristie and Heidi Mase - Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.2:00 PM2:15 PMBREAK2:15 PM3:15 PMEducational Breakout SessionsBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION (ROOM 10-12)4 Predictable Ways Roofing Contractors Grow Their Business without Debt - Scott BeebeBusiness On PurposeGENERAL EDUCATION(ROOM 13-15)Enhancing Your Leadership Skills: A Journey of Self-Reflection and Intentional LivingLarry Stock - Queen City Roofing and Sheet MetalTECHNICAL & SAFETY EDUCATION(BALLROOM D)Safety Implications for Subcontractors - Gary AumanAuman, Mahan, & Furry4:30 PM7:00 PMPast Presidents Dinner (By Invitation) (KINCAIDS FISH, CHOPS & STEAKS)NEW MEMBER / FIRST TIMER RECEPTION (Intercontinental Hotel - GREAT RIVER BALLROOM FOYER)Hosted by MRCA Women in Roofing (WinR)7:00 PM7:30 PMYOUNG CONTRACTORS COUNCIL (YCC) FUNDRAISER WELCOME PARTY(Intercontinental Hotel - GREAT RIVER BALLROOM) 7:30 PM10:00 PM TIMBER BASH! CASINO NIGHT (Separate Registration Fee) 16 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'