b'SAFETYContinued from page 36Section 1910.148(c)(1) will require every employerhigh heat triggers. The high heat trigger has been to develop and implement a worksite-specific heatidentified as 90F or higher. injury and illness prevention plan (HIIPP) withYou must seek the input and involvement of non-site-specific information. This plan will have tomanagerial employees and their representatives include a comprehensive list of the types of workwhen evaluating the work site to identify work activities that are covered by the plan, all policiesareas with a reasonable expectation of exposures and procedures which are necessary to complyat or above the initial heat trigger. This requirement with the requirements of this standard, and it willapplies whenever there is a change in production, have to identify the heat metric that the employerprocesses, equipment, controls, or a substantial will monitor to comply with the required proceduresincrease in outdoor temperature which has the to identify heat hazards. By metric, the standardpotential to increase heat exposure indoors. The refers to either the heat index or the wet bulbindoor work area rules do provide for an exemption globe temperature. If the employer has more thanfrom monitoring when you can assume that the ten employees, the HIIPP must be written. Thetemperature at a work area is at or above both standard is not clear whether the ten employeethe initial heat and high heat triggers instead of requirement refers to total number of employeesconducting on-site measurements or tracking the in the Company or the number of employees onlocal forecasts. In such cases you must provide the site affected by the plan. In developing theall control measures which are outlined for work plan, the employer is required to seek input andin areas above the initial heat trigger and work in involvement of non-managerial employees andareas above the high heat trigger.their representatives, if any. While it is not stated,Requirements for employees who are exposed you should document whatever efforts you haveto heat at or above the initial heat trigger (80F) undertaken to comply with this requirement. Youinclude placing drinking water at locations readily must have your plan available to all employeesaccessible to the employee which is suitably cool performing work at the work site. Also, you mustand in sufficient quantity to provide access to 1 review and evaluate the effectiveness of yourquart of drinking water per employee per hour. HIIPP whenever a heat-related illness or injuryYou must also provide one or more areas for occurs that results in death, days away fromemployees to take breaks that can accommodate work, medical treatment beyond first-aid, or lossthe number of employees on break and make of consciousness, but at least annually. the break areas readily accessible to the work Under section 1910.148(d), requirements arearea. These areas must provide artificial shade identifiedfortheemployertomonitorheat(such as tents or pavilions), natural shade (such conditions at outdoor and indoor work areas. Foras trees), air-conditioning in an enclosed area, outdoor work areas, the employer must monitorbut not shade from equipment. For indoor work heat conditions by tracking the local heat indexsites, the break areas must be provided in areas forecastsprovidedbytheNationalWeatherthat are air-conditioned or have increased air Service (NWS) or other reputable sources, or asmovement and, if appropriate, de-humidification, close as possible to work areas by measuring theand can accommodate the number of employees heat index or the wet bulb globe temperature. Thison break and are readily accessible to work areas. monitoring must be done with sufficient frequencyAlso, for indoor work areas, you must ensure that to accurately determine your employees exposurethere is increased air movement such as fans or to heat. For indoor workers, you must identify eachair-conditioned work areas. If you are using fans work area where there is a reasonable expectationand the ambient temperature is above 102F, you that employees are or may be exposed to heat atmust evaluate the humidity to determine if fan or above the initial heat trigger (remember, theuse is harmful. If you determine it is, you must initial heat trigger refers to a heat index of 80Fdiscontinue the use of fans. Finally, if your work or above). You must also develop and implementarea is above the initial heat trigger, you must a monitoring plan covering each work area whichprovide for acclimatization for new employees, as you have identified to determine when employeeswell as for returning employees who have been are exposed to heat at or above the initial andaway on vacation or sick leave for more than Continued on page 38www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer 37'