b'SAFETYContinued from page 37fourteen days. For those returning employees, acclimatization must be provided for their first week back. You must also allow for rest breaks and encourage employees to take paid rest breaks in the break areas you have established. You must also maintain a means of effective two-way communicationwithemployeesandregularly communicate with them regarding your HIIPP. If you provide cooling PPE for employees, you must ensure that the cooling properties of the PPE are maintained at all times during use by employees.The requirements of the standard state that if employees are working in areas at or above the high heat trigger (90F), you must provide them a minimum fifteen-minute paid rest break at least every two hours in the established break areas. The time for employees to walk to and from the break area is not included in the time they are required to rest in the break area. Also, you mustappropriate; and a description of how to transport provide methods for observation of employees foremployees to a place where they can be reached signs and symptoms of heat stress. These includeby an emergency medical provider. You must also either a mandatory buddy system or observationinclude clear and precise directions to the work by a supervisor or heat safety coordinator (withsite and procedures for responding to an employee no more than twenty employees observed perwho is experiencing signs and symptoms of heat supervisor). For employees who are alone at arelated illness. If an employee is experiencing signs worksite, you must maintain a means of effective,and symptoms of a heat related illness you must two-way communication with those employees.relieve him/her from duty; monitor him/her; ensure Prior to the work shift, or when you determinethey are not left alone; offer them on-site first-aid the high heat trigger has been met or exceeded,or medical services before ending monitoring; you must notify employees of the importance ofand provide them with a means to reduce their drinking plenty of water; their right to, at theirbody temperature. If employees are experiencing election, take rest breaks if needed (as well assigns and symptoms of a heat emergency, you or in addition to the rest breaks required by themust take immediate actions to reduce their body standard); and how to seek help in the event of atemperature before emergency medical services heat emergency. Again, for mobile work sites, youarrive. You should contact emergency medical must advise employees of the location of breakservices immediately in addition to the activities areas available to them at each new site. noted for a heat related illness.Finally, in excessively high heat areas where theYour initial training for employees must ensure that ambient temperatures regularly exceed 120F,each employee is trained and understands heat all warning signs must be legible, visible, andstress hazards; heat related injuries and illnesses; understandable to all employees entering thoseand the risk factors for heat related injuries or areas. illnesses, including the contributions of physical In addition to the preceding, you must develop andexertion, clothing, personal protective equipment, implement a heat emergency response plan in yourlack of acclimatization and personal risk factors HIIPP. That plan must include a list of emergencysuch as age, health, alcohol consumption, and phone numbers; a description of how employeesthe use of certain medications. They must also can contact a supervisor and emergency medicalunderstandthesignsandsymptomsofheat services; individuals designated to ensure thatrelated illness; the importance of removing PPE heat emergency procedures are invoked whenthat may impair cooling during rest breaks; the Continued on page 3938 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'