b'EducationalSessionsTUESDAY october 22 ND your questions. This is a great way to keep abreast of technical developments and updates in the roofing industry.8:00 am4:00 pmRegistration (ROTUNDA)8:00 am10:00 amBreakfast (EDUCATION ROOMS FOYER) 9:30 am9:40 amBREAK 8:00 am11:00 am Exhibitor Set-Up(EXHIBIT HALL A) BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EDUCATIONBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION Strategic Succession Planning for Your Company4 Blind Spots Preventing Roofing Contractors9:40 am10:40 amROOM 10-12from Retaining Talent and Growing Profit Speaker: Larry Stock - Queen City Roofing 8:30 am9:30 amROOM 10-12 and Sheet MetalSpeaker: Scott BeebeBusiness OnAs a busy business owner, its essential to Purpose allocate time for strategic thinking about your Mostcontractorownerscrosstheircompanys future. Whether youre considering fingersandhopeforthebestwhenretirement or transitioning to a new phase of desiringasolidculture,meaningfullife, effective succession planning is crucial. profit, and a product that they are proudIn this program, well explore key topics, including:of.Luckisnotastrategy!ThishighlyDeveloping and empowering your management team and leaders.engagingeducationprogramwillrevealAligning personal and ownership goals with the companys vision.fourcriticalblindspotssabotagingthegrowthofyourIdentifying4 potential buyer category options for selling your business and your team. You will leave this presentationbusiness to.with ONE action item to immediately implement into yourAvoiding common pitfalls when selling a construction company.business and you will wish you had heard this talk ten years ago! After this presentation you will have clarity on whyPractical advice on timing and preparation to maximize your the younger generation will not listen and how you canreturn on investment.respond, the leadership RPMs for a healthy culture, andLarry is a former MRCA board member who recently sold his the one system that will ensure necessary profit that willroofing company that he had owned and worked for 45 years. fuel culture and growth. He is now enjoyingproviding leadership development and team productivity improvement trainingto others.GENERAL EDUCATIONAttic Ventilation: Ask the Expert GENERAL EDUCATION8:30 am9:30 amROOM 13-14Give Your Employee C.R.A.P.: The Success Formula Speaker: Paul Scelsi, Air Vent, Inc. for Building LoyaltyThis is a technical overview of the various9:40 am10:40 amRoom 13-15benefits of a balanced attic ventilation systemSpeaker: Jeff Kortes - Human Asset and how to properly specify and install it.Management LLCThe program includes installation tips, howHave you ever wondered why some bosses and to calculate if there is enough ventilation, real-life case studies, answers to frequentlyorganizations have people who are incredibly asked questions, and a Q & A period. loyaltothemandwhowilldoanythingfor themwhileothershavearevolvingdoor TECHNICAL & SAFETY EDUCATION ofemployeeturnover?Thosebossesand NRCA Low Slope Update on Roofing Industryorganizations people want to follow give their employees lots of Technical Issues C.R.A.P.! (Caring, Respect, Appreciation and Praise). Jeff provides 8:30 am9:30 amBALLROOM D a headhunter s insight into why some Employees are loyal and Speaker: Mark GrahamNRCA Viceothers work only to get a paycheck. Through real-life stories and President of Technical Services interactive participation, Jeff has created a program which helps YouneedtostayuptodatewiththeparticipantsunderstandhowtodemonstrateCaring,Respect, latest technical information to ensureAppreciation, and Praise, so that they can systematically build your companys success. Make sure toemployee loyalty in their organization. Jeff s unique insight will attend this one-hour session during whichenableparticipantstoleavethesessionwithactionablesteps Mark Graham, NRCAs Vice President ofto begin building employee loyalty and drive retention in their Technical Services, will provide insider information intodepartment or organization while participating in a program with current technical issues in the roofing industry and answerrealistic takeaways that will resonate with attendees.24 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'