b'BUSINESS MANAGEMENTAVOID THESE 7 COSTLYMISTAKES WHEN ATTENDING A TRADE SHOWBy: Phillip M. PerryTrade shows offer tremendous opportunities for boosting business profits. Yet attendees must plan for success to avoid returning home with nothing more valuable than some vague impressions. In this article, experts tell how to avoid the most common errors made by trade show participants.T radeshowsareback.InConsultants advise avoiding the following common apost-pandemicworld,mistakes.businesspeople are returningMistake #1: Ambiguous goalsto exhibition hall floors to obtain profitable insights only in-person exchanges can provide. Dontattendashowwithoutsettingspecific People feel that the value proposition of a B2Bgoals. Identify two or three things you really exhibition is very high, said Nancy Drapeau, VPwant to accomplish that will impact your bottom Research at the Center for Exhibition Industryline,saidMeridithElliottPowell,salesand Research (ceir.org). They see tremendous valueleadershipstrategistbasedin Asheville,NC. and power in the ability to discuss new products(meridithelliottpowell.com).Ifyousucceedin with exhibitors, exchange ideas with colleagues,doing those things, the conference will have been attend educational sessions and keep pace witha success.industry trends. Unlike product catalogs on theIngeneral,goalswillfallintooneofthree Internet, said Drapeau, trade shows let attendeescategories: seeing new products and services, touch and feel merchandise while establishingnetworking with peers, and attending seminars. vendor relationships that can put buyers in betterPerhaps you want to find a better source for a negotiating positions. certain category of product. Or maybe assess the Attendingatradeshowcanbeexpensive,quality of a new equipment line by requesting a however, and not everyone gets the most bangdemonstration. Is there a certain seminar about a from the buck invested in time and travel. Its easytopic of critical importance that you must attend? to fall into the habit of committing common errors.Finally, you may want to set a goal of meeting with specific colleagues to brainstorm solutions to an 6 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'