b'INDUSTRY NEWSGAF SUPPORTS FREE THIRD ANNUAL GIRLS CONSTRUCTION CAMP IN NORTHEAST OHIOCAMP TEACHES PRACTICAL SKILLS IN BUILDING TRADESBy: Roofing Contractor StaffT he Lets Build Construction Camp (LBCC)basics of roofing, were on hand to teach campers for Girls returned to the Mahoning Countyhow to install roofing materials. These volunteers Career and Technical Center for its thirdarealsopartofWomenInspiringSustained year this summer. This free, week-long day campEquality, a GAF employee resource group driven for girls ages 12-17 teaches practical skills in theby employees from across the country committed to building trades through hands-on projects, fieldempowering, inspiring and collectively supporting trips,games,liveworkshops,andinteractivewomen to achieve and advance in their careers.discussions.As roofing professionals, we have a responsibility With support from local unions, trade organizations,topositivelyimpacttheindustryasawhole, and national and Northeast Ohio businesses in theespeciallywhenitcomestodiversifyingthe construction, design and manufacturing industries,workforce. We are proud to donate the materials campers learn from professionals about careersneeded to make this camp a success and continue in the trades, manufacturing, building science,to encourage young women to become leaders and more. intraditionallymale-dominatedcareers.said RoofingmanufacturerGAFdonatedshinglesKimberlySantiago-Vega,RoofingAcademy for the camps roofing workshop. This donationprogram manager at GAF, in a written statement.was part of GAFs social impact initiative, GAFLBCC empowers participants with a sense of Community Matters, which is focused on makingpurpose and confidence in otherwise unfamiliar a positive difference for neighbors and communityjob areas with the ultimate goal of increasing the partners by leveraging roofing expertise, resourcespercentage of women in the construction industry.and products to help build resilient communities.This hands-on experience not only boosts their As part of the collaboration between GAF andconfidence in their own abilities, but also gives LBCC, instructors from GAF Roofing Academy,them a taste of potential professions for when a free national training program that teaches thetheyre ready to begin making career decisions, 10 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'