b'lx e c u t i v eD i r e c t o r \' sU p d a t eI = -"\'! ,0\\ MRCA:Changing With Changing Times "For the times, they areattheMRCA Conventionand compensation insurance costsa changing."Trade Show. The MRCA Conven andotherinsurancecosts.tion andrade Show is a fantas MRCA\'s entry into the insuranceTWe\'ve probably alheard that tic way for the MRCA Board of market helped soften the i nsurI line from the Bob Dylan song, but Directors toprovide youwith ance market andavecontractorssit is true today as it was in the important industry information, thousands of dollars in insurance1960s.The cha enge to roofing the latest in MRCAroducts and premiums.MRCA also createdI l pprofessionalso services, and the opportunity to the MRCA Internet Home Pagein the Midwest is tkeep up with changes not only in network with fellow roofing pro (www.mrca.org)t oelp h membersthe roofing industry, but in busi fessionals from throughout the market themselves on the Inforness management, government Midwest. Remember, MRCA s an mation Super Highway, as well asiregulation, insurance laws, mar organization run by roofing con provide e-mail communicationketingandnewtechnology. tractors for roofing contractors, so capabilities and customer serMRCA s dedicated to helping you you all can be sure that all of the vicesrograms to roofing profesi padapt to these changes.programs and services offered by sionals. MRCA also revised theOne of the best ways to adapt to MRCA have been created with just Roof Watch newsletter program inchanging times is to be a mem one goal in mind, and that is to order to help members marketber of the Midwest Roofing Con improve your bottom line.themselves better. This is just atractors Association.MRCA is Participationin,andwith, small part of the many changesyouror heMRCA isnotjustaone-way MRCAelp memberssource f t latest products has made to hand services that help you not street. MRCA is also changingkeep up with changing times. toonly compete, but succeed, in the meettheneedsofcontractor MRCA has also made changesonly w programsever-changing roofing industry.members.Notithto the convention and trade showIn addition to member andser- to help roofing professionals getshipinMRCA, vices,butmoreoutoftheirconventionyou should also be.,. alsowith experience.MRCAbeganbya member of your the MRCA moving the convention and tradelocal associa Conven show off of the weekend.hisTtionandthetionand year\'sconventionbeginsonNational Roof Trade Thursday (with the MRCA FouningContrac Show.dationGolf TournamentontorsWe lis Wednesday)a nd ends on Friday.Association tenedto That leaves the weekend free for(N R C A ). the needs of your outsidectivities. MRCA hasaBeing a mem our members n also made sure that we are offeriber of at least- j1996,and ing the latest educational prothesethreeIJ._introduced grams that truly meet your needs.associationsnewpro- No matter what type of roofingwillkeepyouinformed,and grams and services to meet those work you do, or what size of coninvolved, in the changes in the needs. Since the last convention tractor you are, there is an MRCAindustry that affect you. Don\'t ust and trade show,MRCA intro educational program that is justjgo along with changes - help duced MRCA LAW - a FREE right forou! If youan\'takelly c m amake changes.serviceforMRCAmembers. of the educational programs youAnother important way to adapt MRCA lsowant, don\'torry, because MRCAa introduced the MRCA wto changing times is to not only Insurance Program to help mem is offering audio tapes of all theattend,butin activities bers gain control of the workers\' Continued on page 10 participate, byJa m e s T.(T o m )Kn i g h t,M R C A Ex e c u tiv e Di r e c t o rIii!9'